Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
November 28, 2005
And now for something that didn't contribute to my neverending sorrow

Everybody's Famous!

This is a really great movie. And I'm not just saying that because one of the characters is a singer who performs in a blue wig.

''I'll take you with me''

Doesn't hurt, though. Please take me with you, Debbie. 🙁

''His friends smirk with pity''

And what is it about talent that makes people so unbelievably attractive? I actually cried during Marva's song and the scene that precedes it. Beautiful. This was one of those movies that makes one want to track down other films (and television shows) starring the cast members -- Thekla Reuten and Eva van der Gucht in particular. Unfortunately, the vast majority of their work hasn't been released on video. 🙁

And with that frown, we return to my regularly scheduled misery.

-posted by Wes | 10:04 pm | Comments (0)
On the contrary, it brought them joy
Category: Art

So there's much more to be said about the incidents of last week -- and I want to say it, even though the people who should hear it most appear to be utterly incapable of comprehension. But that'll have to wait. In the meantime, though, here are a few lines from a poem/song I intend to write.

His suffering brought them no salvation
on the contrary, it brought them joy
for man's heart delights in the torment
of a sad little boy

I think it would be neat to be a songwriter.

-posted by Wes | 3:24 pm | Comments (0)
November 24, 2005
Category: Miscellany

There really is nothing like the holidays to underscore the depressing reality of one's situation in life. After watching my sister brag about how she called the police on me and lied that I attempted to murder her last year and watching my mother laugh heartily about it I am fucking disgusted with everything. THEY FUCKING FIND IT FUNNY! I suppose they think of the incident along the lines of "no harm, no foul" (since I wasn't arrested), but what they fail to understand is that on that day significant -- perhaps irreparable -- harm was done. I may occasionally joke about wanting to harm certain people, but I AM NOT A MURDERER. Moreover, I think murder is wrong. So I view it as a serious insult when people act as if they truly believe me to be dangerous -- especially when they do so insincerely in order to get me into trouble for their own amusement. Furthermore, I actually care about my sister -- and have never attempted to seriously injure her, let alone kill her -- so for her to call the police and put on a show and tell lies to the effect that I had was a very painful thing for me to experience. She laughed about it then, too. But that was a year ago, and I could perhaps drop it if it weren't so apparent that to this day she is apparently proud of her actions then -- and that our mother views the whole thing as being ridiculously funny. I view their actions and reactions here, at the very least, as betraying their decidedly negative perception of me.

Am I being unreasonable? I don't believe so, but after having a good laugh at this incident, my mother seemed geniunely surprised that I would excuse myself from the table. My reply: "Why would you want to eat dinner with a known murderer?" And yet far from thinking better of their comments and derisive words, I can still hear them talking about and laughing at me as I sit in my room!

I'm done for now. Again, happy Thanksgiving.

-posted by Wes | 6:21 pm | Comments (10)
Category: SC Updates

Things you have to be thankful for: Scary-Crayon updates! Two new Hot Flashes and a special Thanksgiving edition of Crayon Poetry Corner (complete with an intense mp3 recitation) are up. And in case you forgot, this has been The Week of Hot Flashes, so feel free to go back and check out any other ones you missed. This week also saw the posting of A Random Lunch #9, starring our old pals Kain and Wild Boar Alien. Yep.

I guess the text of the poem isn't entirely true, but I still feel terrible. And on that note, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Ja ne.

-posted by Wes | 7:08 am | Comments (3)
November 20, 2005
A thought
Category: Miscellany

I just saw a commercial for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in which Morgan Freeman and a bunch of other people declared that St. Jude's will never never never never never never never stop searching for a cure for cancer. Never.

And I thought, "Never? Like, not even if they found one? Doesn't sound like they're too optimistic about succeeding."

-posted by Wes | 9:22 pm | Comments (5)