Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
November 24, 2005
Category: SC Updates

Things you have to be thankful for: Scary-Crayon updates! Two new Hot Flashes and a special Thanksgiving edition of Crayon Poetry Corner (complete with an intense mp3 recitation) are up. And in case you forgot, this has been The Week of Hot Flashes, so feel free to go back and check out any other ones you missed. This week also saw the posting of A Random Lunch #9, starring our old pals Kain and Wild Boar Alien. Yep.

I guess the text of the poem isn't entirely true, but I still feel terrible. And on that note, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Ja ne.

-posted by Wes | 7:08 am | Comments (3)
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