Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
December 3, 2011
Fluttershy is love
Category: Toys

I heart Fluttershy.

I shampooed and conditioned Fluttershy's hair! And then I curled her hair at the ends by way of a straw set (or at least that's what my sister says the technique is called).

Stop judging me. 🙁

-posted by Wes | 7:25 am | Comments (6)
November 25, 2011
Pony Tails!
Category: Toys … TV, Film, & DVDs

Pony Tails!

I've been watching a lot of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" lately. I don't think I like it nearly as much as a lot of the nerd set -- you won't catch me declaring myself a "brony" or joining MLP fan communities -- but it is a cute show and the characters are endearing enough that I've picked up a couple of the toys and plan to grab a few more. I've also bought a couple cheaper not-MLP toys, as seen above! Lanard's Pony Tails Collection offerings may not have the MLP name, but -- unlike some other Lanard me-too lines (compare Lanard's The Corps figures to Hasbro's G.I. Joes) -- they're largely on par with the Hasbro toys in terms of quality. Brand names and character backgrounds notwithstanding, an adorable soft plastic pony with rooted hair and a swivel neck is an adorable soft plastic pony with rooted hair and a swivel neck.

-posted by Wes | 5:05 am | Comments (4)
October 15, 2011
500 bonus points...
Category: Travels

...if you can guess why I cringed at the thought of eating at the Poseidon Seafood Buffet.

But I googled it upon returning home, and apparently it's got pretty decent reviews! So now I kinda want to go there -- once.

Which is fitting since it might be the kind of place one can only visit once.


Unless you post a favorable review online, in which case maybe they'll give you the antidote.

(That was a hint!)

-posted by Wes | 11:12 pm | Comments (3)
August 31, 2011
Buying DVDs (for the love of certain actresses)

I'd been meaning to write a post about all of the DVDs I've purchased lately -- but while I was all excited about a presumed return to my compulsive DVD buying days of old, it ended up being a one-time spree of sorts due to my discovery of a freshly stocked $1.97 DVD bin at F.Y.E. So now that I've gotten around to writing about it, my DVD buying habits have pretty much returned to normal. Granted, that's still a good amount of DVDs (maybe 2-3 every other week?), but it's not new. (Or re-newed, properly.)

What is kinda new, though, is my buying DVDs solely because the films in question have particular actresses in them. I don't generally tend to get attached to performers -- I'll like them in one thing, but in very few cases does that mean I'll go out of my way to view them in something else. This is even more likely to obtain with respect to actors appearing in films, since I don't often see movies in theaters and buy DVDs more for their premises (and their bargain bin prices) than for their casts. Or at least that's how it was until recently. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 4:22 am | Comments (4)
July 15, 2011
Wes on the web!
Category: Linkage … SC Updates

Quick linkage post!

First, Scary-Crayon has updated! I don't usually post these here, but it's been so bloody long since the last SC update I figured I should. Also, in one of the two comics posted today (the other features the Doctor), I appear alongside Bacardi! Hilarity ensues, or as much hilarity as can ensue from a subdued exchange that follows a standard framework and generally stays pretty far from cloud cuckoo lander territory.

Next, my pal Kevin over at Interrobang Studios drew me into an I'm My Own Mascot strip. IN COLOR! Very appreciative of that, yes. 🙂

See, quick post -- I actually meant it this time. Ja!

-posted by Wes | 11:35 am | Comments (0)