I'd been meaning to write a post about all of the DVDs I've purchased lately -- but while I was all excited about a presumed return to my compulsive DVD buying days of old, it ended up being a one-time spree of sorts due to my discovery of a freshly stocked $1.97 DVD bin at F.Y.E. So now that I've gotten around to writing about it, my DVD buying habits have pretty much returned to normal. Granted, that's still a good amount of DVDs (maybe 2-3 every other week?), but it's not new. (Or re-newed, properly.)
What is kinda new, though, is my buying DVDs solely because the films in question have particular actresses in them. I don't generally tend to get attached to performers -- I'll like them in one thing, but in very few cases does that mean I'll go out of my way to view them in something else. This is even more likely to obtain with respect to actors appearing in films, since I don't often see movies in theaters and buy DVDs more for their premises (and their bargain bin prices) than for their casts. Or at least that's how it was until recently. (more...)