Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 16, 2011
Mystery Lalla dialogue scenario?

Occasionally I'll get part of a line of dialogue -- and sometimes just the rhythm or feel of a line of dialogue -- stuck in my head, and it'll bug the crap out of me until I can figure out 1.) the full line, 2.) who said it, and 3.) what it's from. And as I try and try and try to determine these things, I get even more frustrated because I know that if I could discern any one of them, I could derive the others from it and put my mind at ease.

Sometime early yesterday -- it might even have begun Monday evening -- I found my thoughts thus assaulted. This time, I didn't have even part of the line (which does make things easier; then I can google it and hopefully find the full line and circumstances on an episode transcript or list of quotes), just an idea of the rhythm behind it. For some reason, I also had the distinct impression of Lalla Ward saying the words rather coldly to a man who was genuinely trying to help her, but whom she did not trust and who was taken aback when he heard them. I could fit words to it -- and some of them fit very well -- but I was convinced that those words were wrong... mostly because the words that best fit the cadence in my head were a known line from Apocalypse in X-Men Evolution. ("Since when has mankind ever known what it needs." Incidentally, this was itself a mystery line of dialogue that got stuck in my head at one point.) Apocalypse is not in any way reminiscent of Lalla, and the scenario was all wrong. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 6:32 am | Comments (3)
May 29, 2011
False hostages and the policewoman chef
Category: Dreams

Weird dream last night. I dreamed cops had come to the house to arrest me for cocaine possession and distribution, but were hesitant to break in because they thought I had hostages. In (dream) reality, a couple of friends had come to visit shortly before the police arrived and -- since they gathered that their presence was the only thing keeping the cops from bursting in on me, they were just hanging out playing video games for as long as I wanted them to stay. However, when the press began reporting that I had hostages, their parents freaked out and showed up in the driveway shouting desperate pleas for me to release their sons, so eventually I sent my guests out. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 3:44 pm | Comments (6)
May 15, 2011
Vampire Haiku inspiration
Category: Books

I just read a book!
The title: Vampire Haiku.
It was amusing.

I'd never really thought about the existence of novellas in haiku, but that's pretty much what Ryan Mecum's Vampire Haiku is! It's not really a continuous story -- the book is presented as the haiku journal of one vampire, and mostly they simply consist of observations and that aren't necessarily connected -- but there is a certain consistency and there are references to past events. Most of the entries are also dated, though a lot of time passes between written dates -- sometimes decades. The book is only 137 pages yet purports to span nearly 400 years (it begins in 1620 and concludes in 2009). (more...)

-posted by Wes | 10:45 pm | Comments (2)
April 21, 2011
Oh Lis Sladen
Category: Current Events … Linkage … Serious … TV, Film, & DVDs

Eldrad Must Live

She will be missed. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 9:58 pm | Comments (3)
March 13, 2011
Totally Crushing: Helen Cutter
Category: Totally Crushing … Toys … TV, Film, & DVDs

You don't even want to know how long this post has been in draft status -- though there are a couple of posts that have been there even longer. Anyway, here's the latest (but unfortunately not the late-est) Totally Crushing entry: Helen Cutter!

Cleavage and a kerchief. What's not to love?


-posted by Wes | 8:44 am | Comments (8)