Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
April 15, 2012
Joe Eszterhas is ridiculous.
Category: Current Events … Linkage

So I raaaarely comment on stuff like this (and I'm totally late on this in terms of blogosphere Hollywood gossip), but after having the tab open for days I've finally finished reading Joe Eszterhas's nine-page letter to Mel Gibson.

IT IS INSANE. And also kinda full of shit. I mean, Mel probably did do a lot of that stuff -- while he denies the truth of "the great majority of the facts as well as the statements and actions attributed to [him]" in his response to Eszterhas, those actions would be in keeping with Mel's personality as demonstrated in the past. But it just seems like bullshit that Eszterhas wrote this as a private communication to Mel with no intention of having it read by outside sources. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 6:44 pm | Comments (3)
April 14, 2012
Just add fava beans and liver
Category: Photo

Carlo Rossi Chianti, 4L jug

Wes, party of one? XD

-posted by Wes | 8:04 pm | Comments (1)
March 27, 2012
*Perpetually* Crushing: Lena Headey (I)

Numbered the first, because I have enough Lena Headey screencaps to post them daily for at least a year! But even that would not be long enough, because I love Lena forever and a day. <3

(These images of The Lovely Lena Headey come from "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" Seasons 1 & 2.)

-posted by Wes | 4:44 am | Comments (3)
February 21, 2012
People like dogs better than Rihanna.
Category: Current Events … Linkage … Miscellany

It's recently occurred to me that, while I often feel like I'm not doing enough writing, I actually do quite a lot of it! I spend a lot of time browsing and posting at length on various forums, and I frequently leave not insubstantial comments on web articles and blog posts that I read... to say nothing of all of the stuff that I throw out on Facebook and the like. Having realized this, I'm going to stop posting to these places so much and instead post what I would have written here and on Scary-Crayon -- which will hopefully let me keep better track of my writing while adding to the content on my own sites.

To that end, I'm going to kick off by reposting some of the stuff I added to a Facebook discussion last week, since I thought it was pretty hilarious. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 5:35 am | Comments (0)
February 1, 2012
Spambots are working overtime today.
Category: Technical Stuff

It's really bad when I actually have to delete multiple spam comments manually because the anti-spam plugins aren't catching them. I just cleared the spam folder two days ago and it was just up to 151!

-posted by Wes | 5:02 pm | Comments (0)