Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
January 15, 2005
My life is fucking awful.
Category: Miscellany

Given the current state of my life, I'm leaning towards or for the personal domain name. Actually, I'm surprised nobody's taken that first one. Maybe they were saving it for me? Because my life really does suck. Fucking hell. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 3:09 am | Comments (0)
January 12, 2005
So-o-o-o-o-o-o tired!
Category: Miscellany

Man, I am tired!
Seriously, tired!
I can't wait to get back
to my room and take a nap
once I get the DVDs off my bed.

In other news, I started reading a collection of Washington Irving short stories yesterday -- pretty good stuff! (Though not half as engaging as Kafka or Hawthorne.) What I find most interesting, though, is the popularity of the tale of Sleepy Hollow and the Headless Horseman -- while it's a neat little story, it doesn't strike me as something that should be the subject of tons of cartoons and movies. Having finally read the text itself, I think that the Disney version did more to popularize that fearful night ride of Ichabod Crane and his phantom pursuer than the original work.

Have you ever encountered shit stains in a urinal? I have. And I know how they got there, but seriously, who takes a shit in a urinal? Why would someone do that? This question has something in common with the deeper questions concerning the end and ultimate purpose of and reason for our very existence, because I don't have answers for them.

And read "Bacardi in Wonderland"! Ja.

-posted by Wes | 3:41 pm | Comments (0)
Scary-Crayon updated!
Category: SC Updates

And here it is: "Bacardi in Wonderland"! Enjoy!

-posted by Wes | 1:16 am | Comments (0)
January 11, 2005
Tuesday the 11th
Category: Miscellany

So Bacardi didn't have his surgery yesterday after all -- they're going to wait a little longer and see if the problem corrects itself or something. I dunno; I'm no vet! So the little dog will be spared the caress of the knife for at least a little longer.

Caren wrote a poem today! Figured I'd follow suit. So here goes! (more...)

-posted by Wes | 10:39 am | Comments (0)
January 10, 2005
I <3 that little dog.
Category: Miscellany

So Bacardi left shortly before the dawn of the new year, but last week he stopped in for ONE NIGHT ONLY, sporting his cool green sweater! Check him out -- I think he looks like a frog. 🙂 (more...)

-posted by Wes | 4:49 am | Comments (0)