Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 29, 2005
My Vegetarian Starter Kit has arrived!
Category: Miscellany

You can get yours FREE from, but believe me -- they're not kidding when they say it'll be a 4-6 week wait! I'd almost forgotten about ordering this bloody thing. It was advertised in the local paper and mentioned that it came with a DVD, so of course I had to go for it, given my unnatural lust for DVDs and my pseudo-interest in vegetarianism (seeing as how I don't eat beef or pork or any mammals at all these days, really -- though I do intend to sample these White Castle burgers from the dollar store for Scary-Crayon review purposes). Looking over the the reasons to go vegetarian printed on the DVD sleeve, though, already I'm expecting this thing to be hilarious. Mind you, a good number of them are valid points and make a lot of sense, but then you've got reasons like "Animals value their lives as much as humans do" -- really? how the fuck can you prove that?! -- and "Because you wouldn't eat your dog." No, that's true, but I wouldn't eat my beloved fish (R.I.P. Duncan) or my nonexistent pet pig either (I really think I'd like having a pet pig!) -- but I'd certainly eat some other fish! I could and have easily given up beef and pork, and the primary reason I eat poultry is convenience ('cause when one doesn't eat beef or pork, one's options are limited -- though that's beginning to change), but fish? Oh ho NO -- seafood is like the one thing I actually take pleasure in eating.

Yes, I know that "eating fish doesn't make [me] a vegetarian," but sooooo what? Fish... delicious. I know a girl who became a vegetarian, and it truly saddens me that the two of us will never be able to partake of another all you can eat sushi buffet together. SUSHI! I don't think about sex very much, but three of my four ideal erotic fantasies begin with all you can eat sushi buffets. The other involves milkshakes and peanut butter banana burritos. Don't ask.

Wait, I think there's one with oysters too! But we're getting sidetracked here.

And obviously I'm kinda drunk right now, so I'm willing to bet there's another one involving copious amounts of liquor. So I will watch a few more anime episodes and then pop in this DVD in order to achieve the maximum hilarity. Yes. Ja ne, minna-san!

OH, one more thing -- I never told y'all the mystery ingredient in the dish introduced in this post, did I? It's a chocolate cupcake. Aaaand we're out! :mrgreen:

-posted by Wes | 11:34 pm | Comments (7)
July 25, 2005
The NYC recap!
Category: Dreams … Photo … Travels … TV, Film, & DVDs

But first, a word about today's interview. I think it went really well! Of course, I've been on interviews that I think went fairly well and then either didn't get the job or didn't even hear back from the company, so one never knows. Unless something comes up in the next couple of weeks, I'm pretty sure I'll take the position if they offer it to me, but no big if they don't -- I'll just skip town and head for NYC! So root for me or don't root for me, NYC area folks, depending upon how soon you'd like to have the Wes living in your midst. 😉 In any case, even if I get the job I'll be visiting again in early September -- gotta come up to meet the Beckster, you know. 🙂

What a haul!

So, NYC! I really had a great weekend there, despite learning some rather expensive lessons! I'm planning to go into some other details of the trip in a Scary-Crayon travel piece, but suffice it to say that, at least for me, fine dining is highly overrated, as apparently I have a rather unrefined palate. I know, I know -- "DUH Wes!", -- but still. Whatever. So after walking arriving in da city, I walked around Times Square and spent $40 on sushi 😐 before descending into Chinatown to buy DVDs and tiptoe around with my legs crossed because I realllllly had to pee. (Expect to hear the full story regarding that on SC, too... it's crazy, man.) My purchases appear above! In addition to the swanky AKUMA statuette, the films I got are as follows: (more...)

-posted by Wes | 11:21 pm | Comments (14)
Back in MD. Woooo.
Category: Miscellany

Hey all -- as you see, I made it back to MD okay. I'll write more about the weekend later, but the short of it is that it was great! I took lots of photos (though not as many as I'd hoped to take) and will have much to say both here and on Scary-Crayon when I get the chance. In the meantime, though, you can check out the blogs of Sarah and Val, who have pictures from our Sunday ride on THE BEAST (here, here, and here)! TAB also makes mention of the dinner that followed here, following a thrilling yet fictional retelling of his epic title bout with an elderly homeless woman. Anyway, per the pic Val posted in this entry, I'm apparently not very attractive with my mouth open! Which just means that in addition to my deviated septum I have another excuse for not performing if some woman ever expects me to go down on her. Hahahahaha Wes is so funny! Ugh.

And after going into work for a half day, I've now got to finish getting ready for this interview at the local extension center in a half hour. Hope I don't blow it!

-posted by Wes | 2:16 pm | Comments (6)
July 22, 2005
New SC piece and a vicious rabbit
Category: Dreams … SC Updates

Heylo! I was up until like 4:30 AM last night working on the latest Scary-Crayon article -- a fairly lengthy tirade against the Harry Potter series. In addition to being kinda tired, I was pretty drunk when I wrote it, but I think I managed to make more than a few good and/or interesting points in there, so you might wanna give it a read. Just saying, since I think several of my readers are fans of the series -- so I'm particularly interested in hearing their responses. 😉

Anyway, I considered simply staying awake, but I figured I might as well try to sleep for an hour -- and in that hour I managed to have one fucked up dream. I dreamed that I woke up a little late for work (not a stretch, considering how tired I was) and was running down the hall to the shower when I noticed a fluffy white rabbit hopping alongside me! Not like a pet, either -- like a rabbit that just dashed out of a hole in the wall and started hopping along. He jumped really high, too -- as high as my shoulders. So when I reached the bathroom, he began leaping at me, prompting me to dodge left and right to avoid his attacks. But one leap was unavoidable -- he came directly at my face! -- and I threw up a hand to block... whereupon that little fucker bit into my hand and started viciously ripping at it. It didn't hurt -- which should've been the tipoff that this was a dream! -- but nonetheless blood was flying everywhere and I could hear my flesh being torn apart with sucking gush noises. At first I merely held my hand still in disbelief, but then I began shaking it wildly -- and eventually I managed to throw the rabbit off, whereupon he disappeared into the shadows. But then I looked at my hand and it was fine, save for one little barely-bleeding nick! I started showing it to everyone I could -- "WE HAVE MURDEROUS RABBITS IN THE HOUSE!!!!!" but they took one look and laughed at me. And so I awoke having convinced no one of the truth of the rabbit menace.

It's about time for me to leave the office, so I will catch y'all later. Ja!

-posted by Wes | 3:22 pm | Comments (7)
July 21, 2005
NYC this weekend!
Category: Travels

Booked my tickets this morning -- I should be arriving in the big city at approximately 11:30 AM on Saturday and leaving at 6:00 PM on Sunday. Time in between there is more/less free -- other than taking time out to buy $3 grody porn at one of those shops outside Port Authority and descending into Chinatown to stock up on Asian cinema, I've got no concrete plans -- so if you live in the area and want to meet up with me, send an e-mail and let me know what's up!


-posted by Wes | 1:36 pm | Comments (7)