Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 1, 2005
Category: Miscellany

Dear commuters:

Please take the time to wash your hair before boarding the buses -- preferably with dandruff control shampoo -- as I don't appreciate you sitting in front of me, leaning your heads back as far as you can, and powdering my lap anew with off-white scalp flakes every time the bus lurches into motion after stopping for whatever reason. It's revolting and unsanitary.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

-posted by Wes | 8:23 am | Comments (3)
What Is Your Animal Personality?
Category: Meme

Been a while since we had one of these! Gacked from Dee. 🙂

The Wolf
What Is Your Animal Personality?
brought to you by Quizilla

Dude, what's up with the spelling and grammar on that image? I hope "indepentence" is a virtue. Speaking of which, it's "Indepentence" Day weekend! I plan on posting, but if I don't show for whatever reason, have a happy 4th of July. Why do we word things like that, anyway? Have a bloody happy 4th whether I'm around or not. 😛

-posted by Wes | 2:03 am | Comments (5)