Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 3, 2005
Yet another addition!
Category: Miscellany

I'd actually been meaning to do this for a while, so I figured while I was still in a coding mood I'd go ahead and add something else to the sidebar -- a link to my online DVD Profiler collection -- which can now be found in the side box beneath the Scary-Crayon plug. Bonus points if you can guess the actress and film from which the image was taken! 😀

-posted by Wes | 6:03 pm | Comments (7)
I'm still fucking awake and SC has a blog!
Category: SC Updates

I have almost literally been sitting at the computer since 1:00 PM yesterday working diligently on these blogs (and simultaneously chatting with the occasional person here and there), but I'm finally finished. In addition to the program upgrade noted in the previous post, I've made a number of subtle improvements to the code, which you probably won't notice because for the most part they don't entail visual changes, but let's just say that where Wesoteric used at least five files to achieve a certain end it now uses only one. Simplification at work, baby. Also learned a great deal more about WordPress and how make it do what I want it to do, not to mention applying some of what I'd learned about PHP to edit a few things here and there.

But the big news is that the official Scary-Crayon blog is finally up! No doubt I'll still mention what I'm doing with SC on Wesoteric sometimes, given that I talk about what I'm up to over here and I'm often up to something involving SC, but that'll be the OFFICIAL place to go for Scary-Crayon related stuff. Plus, once I get some new pieces up, hopefully readers will comment on them in the blog and turn it into a nice and happy place of sorts. 🙂

Anyway, I'm gonna collapse now -- ja.  x_x

-posted by Wes | 9:45 am | Comments (3)
July 2, 2005
WESOTERIC has been upgraded!
Category: Dreams

In case you visited the page at some point in the last hour and saw nothing here, that's because I was in the process of upgrading WordPress. We're now running version, baby! w00t.

In other news, I actually got to sleep last night this morning... and had some odd dreams. One of which was a really great one in which I actually got a decent job! I woke up grinning from ear to ear. In the dream, I was hired as a "Holly-wood Reporter" for the New York Times! Which doesn't make a lot of sense, now that I think about it. 😛

Hope your weekend's off to a great start!

-posted by Wes | 3:04 pm | Comments (0)
Welcome to my home town.
Category: Miscellany

This town is literally fucking falling apart. It's pretty sad -- excluding the two (or was it three?) week summer program they paid me to work at my high school one summer, my first real job was at that mall. I still remember when it was nice and I used to spend Saturdays hanging out in the arcade there, before the arcade closed and the other stores (including the KB Toys where I used to work) closed and the mall went to shit. And now the walkway collapses! It's like it knew there was no reason for people to go there anyway.

And check out this cartoon (the June 28 one) -- that's the county in which I live, where the murder rate is higher than that of the nation's capital. The smaller text on the Sunshine Mortuary sign reads, "Inquire inside about our HOMICIDE victim discount."

So maybe I don't even need to worry about killing myself, since living here will probably see me dead sooner or later anyway -- either a building will fall on me or I'll get shot by some fool while walking back from Giant! But seriously, I need to get the fuck out of here.

-posted by Wes | 2:12 am | Comments (1)
July 1, 2005
Job dilemma...
Category: Serious

Hi. I'm Wes. For those of you who don't know, I've been working a temporary full-time position at the local community college since last September, minus February to mid-April. It's the same position title, but it's actually been two positions in the same office. From Sept. through Jan. I filled in for an employee who was on extended sick leave, and apparently I did alright because when another employee left the office, they asked me to fill her position on a temporary basis until they officially posted it in a permanent capacity again. Yesterday, I took the paperwork for the terms of reposting it over to the personnel office, and several employees have reminded me that it's going up and urged me to apply for the permanent position. I'm considering that.

On the other hand, I really do want to get the hell out of here. I hate this area; I hate where I live. I don't hate the job, per se, but I don't particularly enjoy what I'm doing, and if I were going to have a job like this I'd at least like to be living somewhere that I enjoy, so that at least my days didn't consist of misery compounded with more misery. So that said, I've got several options and I'd like some input if you've got any suggestions.

I could... (more...)

-posted by Wes | 3:01 pm | Comments (7)