Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 7, 2005
Fuck you too, God
Category: Miscellany


Can I be dead now, please?

-posted by Wes | 8:48 pm | Comments (4)
Can't hack it, man. Finished.
Category: Miscellany

First of all, if you haven't read and commented on the previous post, do that.

Secondly, I don't think I can do this anymore. I detailed some potential options for my immediate future about a week ago, but after yesterday I'm pretty sure I can't continue to work this job. I don't enjoy it, it doesn't pay much, and good god some days it really makes me want to die -- and considering that the rest of my life is no cause for joy (last night I literally lay in the bed wide awake thinking about scalpels cutting into my neck with tears forming in the corners of my eyes)... I just don't think I can do it anymore. So I think I'll still apply for the job in the immediate vicinity -- I did survive the horrors of the bookstore for a while, so I think I could deal with the closer job, if I got it -- but I can't take much more of this, so I'll let it ride. And if I don't get that other job, I'm fucking out of here. Whether that means death or skipping town, I don't know at this point. Either would be better than my life right now.

Gotta go to bed now so I can wake up in 2.5 hours for work. Ja.

-posted by Wes | 2:30 am | Comments (6)
July 6, 2005
Ho-pu-re-su ro-man-ti-ku?
Category: Art … Fiction? … SC Updates

Hi everyone! Hope you had a good and relaxing and productive 4th of July weekend. Mine wasn't quite as productive as I'd hoped (alas!), but, as I noted previously, I did get this blog nice 'n' tweaked and the Scary-Crayon blog online (finally!), so that's something. Naturally, I often feel like a writer or an editor or a graphic artist or, heaven forbid, a blogger, when working on my various 'net projects, but this past weekend I actually felt like a webmaster again. 'Twas nice. Oh, and in case you didn't see it (it was mentioned in the SC blog!), I put up a July 4th Foodstuffs article last night. If you've got comments about it, voice 'em over there. 🙂

Anyway, to make up for the more/less technical posts of the past few days, here's something I stumbled across in my old folders over the weekend and am quite frankly a little embarrassed to share (but not entirely so; otherwise I wouldn't do it) -- a short tribute of sorts that I wrote for a crush of mine way back in summer 2001. I have, naturally, removed the woman's name from the piece (though the few readers who've known me for a while will probably remember with ease, given the way I gushed about her back then), and the central portion of the piece, which actually contained a legitimate dictionary definition of her name (copied from The Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus; in the original document, the reprinted text, which I added, constituted the final "listing" under the definition), has been considerably shortened so as not to give the name away. And regarding the entry categories -- it's not fiction, per se, but since I don't have a prose category I went ahead and ticked it. And I definitely think it's worthy of being called art; at the very least, it gives you a glimpse of the Wes in his more romantic days. And... oh hell, just read it. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 1:14 am | Comments (9)
July 4, 2005
Malicious Bitch movie reviews!
Category: Linkage … TV, Film, & DVDs

Those of you looking to hit the cinema this July 4th but need to be told what to see because you're too chickenshit to decide for yourself and deal with the consequences of your choice (or for those of you who just enjoy hearing what other folks have to think about current film releases ;)) can rejoice, 'cause Becky's Malicious Bitch column, A Fool's Gesture, has two new movie reviews for you! In addition to the Beckster's take on Spielberg's War of the Worlds, there's a She Said/He Said review of Geroge A. Romero's Land of the Dead -- with yours truly voicing the He Said portion of the installment! Enjoy! :mrgreen:

By the way, if you missed my take on the other two releases I saw this year, those are here. And of course I've written up a number of films and other visual media in the Spectare section of Scary-Crayon. 🙂 Ja!

-posted by Wes | 5:13 am | Comments (1)
A drinking tip!
Category: Miscellany

If you've got a really nasty and corky-tasting bottle of wine, mix it with equal parts fruit juice (I used cherry-flavored) and Mountain Dew for a delicious little drink -- fruity, fizzy, and with a slightly wooden aftertaste, almost as if you're eating the fruit right off the tree and simultaneously swallowing the effervescent vitality of Nature... and a lingering bit of the bough as well. Still good, though!

Oh yeah -- Happy 4th of July, everyone! Even you non-American blokes. :mrgreen:

-posted by Wes | 3:39 am | Comments (1)