Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 7, 2005
Can't hack it, man. Finished.
Category: Miscellany

First of all, if you haven't read and commented on the previous post, do that.

Secondly, I don't think I can do this anymore. I detailed some potential options for my immediate future about a week ago, but after yesterday I'm pretty sure I can't continue to work this job. I don't enjoy it, it doesn't pay much, and good god some days it really makes me want to die -- and considering that the rest of my life is no cause for joy (last night I literally lay in the bed wide awake thinking about scalpels cutting into my neck with tears forming in the corners of my eyes)... I just don't think I can do it anymore. So I think I'll still apply for the job in the immediate vicinity -- I did survive the horrors of the bookstore for a while, so I think I could deal with the closer job, if I got it -- but I can't take much more of this, so I'll let it ride. And if I don't get that other job, I'm fucking out of here. Whether that means death or skipping town, I don't know at this point. Either would be better than my life right now.

Gotta go to bed now so I can wake up in 2.5 hours for work. Ja.

-posted by Wes | 2:30 am | Comments (6)
  • Becky says:

    I have to agree with you, Wes. But, I'm still feeling like your gut wants you to just pick up and go. Does Yale have an alumni network to help you with setting up connections in new cities?

  • Mickey says:

    Becky's idea is a good one about the alumni network. It might be worth a shot to help you find a better situation somewhere else.

  • Goober says:

    Wes; you could join the Coast Guard, it would keep you out of the sand, and we could all sleep better knowing you are protecting us.

  • NJWT says:

    If there is anything I can do to help with a move to NYC, let me know.

  • Scorn the Terrible says:

    Wes, do yourself a favor by thinning the herd. Find a gun and do the kindest possible thing a person can do for another person; LIBERATE HIS BRAINS ALL OVER THE WALL.

    Seriously, I hope everything goes well with you. You're an intelligent, handsome young man whose potential is nigh-limitless, yet you get shit on every damn momement of the day. It ain't fair, people.

  • Jesus says:

    If my living arrangement didn't suck so much right now I would offer you some space here. But since my sister has moved back in my place is pretty full. Before my sister moved in my mom was planning to rent out one of the bedrooms. The guy was a friend of a friend of my mom's, apparently the d00d showed up drunk so my mom never let him in and didn't rent out the room. A few months later my sis moved back in.

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