Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 11, 2005
A sad revelation.
Category: Serious

Suddenly it occurs to me that, of the dominant factors by which our society gauges the worth of a human being, I am not in possession of a single one.

I see.

-posted by Wes | 1:49 pm | Comments (20)
Blue weekend

Hey all -- hope you had a great weekend. Unfortunately, mine was fairly uneventful and unproductive. It started off well enough, with me taking care of a few errands and having a good telephone conversation with Mickey on Friday (it's worth noting, however, that my mother interrupted the conversation no less than three times, insisting that she needed to check her messages), but then I ended up sleeping until 6PM on Saturday and, due to the time lost, not getting a whole lot done during the rest of the weekend as a result. I mean I guess I needed the rest -- these weeks always exhaust the living hell out of me -- but it's still disappointing. (I did get a new Scary-Crayon article up, though!)

Samurai Girl: Real Bout High School

So yeah, not a whole lot happened. Other highlights included: Outdoing myself in the kitchen with another spectacular dish on Saturday night, believing myself to have purchased an entire bottle of congealed eggnog (it wouldn't pour! but actually, only the part at the base of the neck had congealed; it poured -- albeit with creamy chunks here and there -- once I poked a straw down there for a bit), and watching more episodes of "Samurai Girl: Real Bout High School". It's a short series -- thirteen eps; I've only got one remaining -- but I really like it.

As far as other DVDs go, I tried to watch What Dreams May Come but ended up stopping the film fifteen minutes later. It's bad enough that the movie quickly went from charming to tragic with death upon death upon death (way more death than in the book, even!), but then Cuba showed up all blurry and started twirling like a ballerina and I said, "Fuck this!" and switched that shit off. Then I popped Vamp in, but didn't get past the trailers before I decided I wasn't in the mood for a film and should probably go to sleep. But first I watched two more eps of "Samurai Girl" and suffered through a headache.

So that was my weekend -- and now it's back to fucking work. Ja.

-posted by Wes | 5:58 am | Comments (3)
July 10, 2005
I think I need a pair of fingerless gloves...
Category: Miscellany

...and tight black leather pants. Yep.

-posted by Wes | 12:03 am | Comments (6)
July 9, 2005
It isn't even noon...
Category: Miscellany

...and I'm already fairly drunk! Hahahaha! I think I'll go back to sleep now.

-posted by Wes | 11:56 am | Comments (1)
July 8, 2005
Fighting on the bus!
Category: SC Updates

Not actually, but yesterday one of the passengers apparently came this close to dealing out major pain with his fists! See, the bus was late (it's usually late), and apparently this one dude -- apparently not a regular rider; otherwise he wouldn't have been out there so early -- had been waiting at the station for over two hours to catch a bus to Laurel, which means that his transfer had expired by then.

Anyway, when the bus finally did show up a half hour behind schedule, he waited for everyone else to board... and then got on and began arguing with the driver that he shouldn't have to pay the full fare because it wasn't his fault that the bus was late and his transfer expired and blah blah blah. I was kind of amused -- apparently he was either a senior or was disabled in some way, because the full fare for him was only thirty-five cents, and thirty-five cents which he had -- but one of the passengers was not pleased with the holdup.

"THE FUCK!" he shouted. "THROW THAT MOTHERFUCKER OFF THE BUS AND LET'S GO! I'M TRYIN' TO GET HOME!!!" He shouted this several times, and a vein throbbed visibly beneath the skin of his temple. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 1:58 pm | Comments (7)