Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 17, 2005
Incapability and Inevitability
Category: Fiction?

So here's that other fiction piece I mentioned -- a dialogue of sorts that has been more/less repeated multiple times in the course of my life. People say they'll come back, that we'll remain in contact, but no one ever does. Why would they? I am not welcome or pleasant company. Anyway, enjoy...

Incapability and Inevitability
(perhaps to spawn The Catacombs?)

"I would tell you that I love you," he snorted, "if I were capable of the emotion."

"What are you saying? You are capable of anything that you believe you are capable of," she told him.

"Then I do not believe that I am capable of 'love.'" (more...)

-posted by Wes | 2:56 am | Comments (1)
July 16, 2005
Weekend begins!
Category: Miscellany

To the folks with whom I was chatting last night and then suddenly disappeared, my apologies! It seems that the lack of sleep I'd been getting during the week suddenly caught up with me in a single moment. I barely remember looking away at once and stumbling over crap to climb into my bed! And then this morning I discovered that I hadn't even bothered to turn my monitor off -- which I hardly ever forget to do for fear of burning out the monitor -- to highlight the sudden nature of this compulsion to sleep. Anyway, I hope (and am pretty sure that...!) I wasn't terribly missed. And hey, I'm up awake before 6 PM, meaning I might actually get something done today! 😀


So, as promised, those two drunken mp3s from the other night -- two versions of a drunken Wes voicing a selection from Bif Naked's "Anything"! There's the singing version and then the spoken version. Both very embarrassing; I don't know why I'm posting them here! Ah well. 😛

And finally, a mancrush! I don't know about you, but I think that Gackt is bloody gorgeous. Seriously, that is one beautiful dude! On that page, I think Kyoko Fukada is pretty delectable too... but she's hardly as comely as Gackt. Sugoi!

All for now. Ja ne, minna-san!

-posted by Wes | 1:25 pm | Comments (1)
July 15, 2005
Coming soon!
Category: SC Updates

Hey all -- hope you've been well these past couple of days! I've been terribly exhausted. Haven't made much headway in Timothy Findley's Pilgrim (the book I'm currently reading) on the bus this week, as I keep nodding off and allowing the book to fall to the floor every time I try to read! (Which isn't to say that the book is boring -- far from it, actually!) But hey, it's FRIDAY, no? Looking forward to catching up on sleep this weekend. Not to mention writing two or three SC articles! Speaking of which, the 47th Hot Flash went up yesterday.

My position was officially posted today, which means that they should ideally have someone new hired in three to four weeks -- probably five max. Which means that you should look for me in NYC in six to eight weeks! Speaking of looking for me in NYC, I'll be in town next weekend! I'll be arriving in the morning on Saturday the 23rd and leaving on the evening of the 24th. So if anyone wants to hang with me, hit me up and we'll schedule something! Natch, I'm planning on hitting up Chinatown in the daytime -- gotta get my requisite Asian cinema fix. 🙂

All for now -- but I've actually got a handful of ideas for upcoming entries! In addition to another romantic selection from the archives of former Wes, we've got two mp3s I recorded last night on the way and a post about my apparent lack of social skills as indicated by my reservations about attending certain events! And whenever I get around to it, I plan to add a little page about myself to the site. Ja!

-posted by Wes | 3:19 pm | Comments (0)
July 12, 2005
My kind of girl!
Category: Miscellany

''Well, you see, I'm really tall and violent.''

Mitsurugi Ryoko, I <3 you.

-posted by Wes | 8:53 pm | Comments (3)
Morning workout.
Category: Dreams

Since the bus this morning was packed to the gills today, I ended up being one of the many standing passengers. Not really a big deal, except that the ceiling bar was high enough off of the ground that I needed to stand on my tip-toes to reach it -- so there I was, straining to hang on as I basically dangled from the bar while pressing my toes onto the floor as hard as I could to keep myself from swinging all about as the bus turned this way and that! So I definitely felt the burn this morning. Kinda makes me wish I had access to a pullup bar!

I had a dream last night that woke me prematurely. After waking, I thought, "Man, I should get up and write that dream down!" But I didn't and went back to sleep instead. Now I've forgotten it. 🙁 But, speaking of dreams, I had a series of strangely erotic ones a couple of weeks ago! One involved being trapped in a falling elevator with two girls of my acquaintance, with one alternating between pointedly ignoring me and sobbing into my chest and the other seeming totally indifferent to my presence. And then there was another one in which a different girl tried to seduce me in my own room! Watching her try to maintain a certain sex appeal as she maneuvered around the piles of action figures and DVD cases that litter my floor was pretty amusing.

Today my horoscope reads, "Tonight: Finally, you feel the force." Um, what the fuck does that mean? Did somebody mail me a lightsaber? Interpretations welcome.

-posted by Wes | 8:31 am | Comments (3)