Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 25, 2005
Back in MD. Woooo.
Category: Miscellany

Hey all -- as you see, I made it back to MD okay. I'll write more about the weekend later, but the short of it is that it was great! I took lots of photos (though not as many as I'd hoped to take) and will have much to say both here and on Scary-Crayon when I get the chance. In the meantime, though, you can check out the blogs of Sarah and Val, who have pictures from our Sunday ride on THE BEAST (here, here, and here)! TAB also makes mention of the dinner that followed here, following a thrilling yet fictional retelling of his epic title bout with an elderly homeless woman. Anyway, per the pic Val posted in this entry, I'm apparently not very attractive with my mouth open! Which just means that in addition to my deviated septum I have another excuse for not performing if some woman ever expects me to go down on her. Hahahahaha Wes is so funny! Ugh.

And after going into work for a half day, I've now got to finish getting ready for this interview at the local extension center in a half hour. Hope I don't blow it!

-posted by Wes | 2:16 pm | Comments (6)
  • Becky says:

    Nice pics. Is that something you recommend to others?

  • NJWT says:

    It was good to see you, my friend!

  • Jazzy says:

    Go Wes! Don't worry....i think you'll do good. You're cool like that. Hehe...

    OOOO i read ur Harry Potter article....yet again very very good! Heehee...Well, finding myself to be a Harry Potter fan i should say i found that offensive but i didn't because i was there that night(i was helping my mother....) and boy, the freaks come out at night! My God it was creepy....i was handing out crossword puzzles to Snapes, Hermiones, and Malfoys! Oh, and many, many Harry Potters....*shudders*...gleh.

    I must say some ppl just get too damn obsessed....i mean, i like the books but not THAT much....geeze....haha.


    P.S.: You need to relax, dood.

  • Valerie says:

    You look adorable in that picture. I woudn't have posted it if I thought you didn't look good. It was nice seeing you.

  • T.A.B. says:

    It was good to see you, sir. I hope you did well on the interview.

    P.S. That homeless bitch was asking for it.

  • Wes says:

    Becky: Yeah, it was definitely fun! Though it probably would've been nicer to have been able to get off at Lady Liberty to get the full experience. They had two and three hour cruises too (which may let the passengers off there), so there are plenty of choices. I doubt one gets wet on those, though! :mrgreen:

    NJWT/TAB: It was great to see you guys, too! Next time we'll have to remember to take photos and stuff. 🙂

    Jazz: Yeah, I don't think the books are all that great, but my main problem with them is the zombies -- if people didn't get so obsessed with them I wouldn't view them as so detrimental and threatening to the brains of the people. It's the difference between a powder that just puts one to sleep for an hour and one that turns a person into a shambling, rotting, flesh-eating corpse! The latter worries me.

    Val: You think so? I don't! But I'm not much of a fan of any of my pictures, despite my habit of posting them on occasion. Nice seeing you, as well. 🙂

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