Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
May 12, 2005
It's like a mixer for stereotypes.
Category: Miscellany

I've commented before on the students and how the vast majority of them fit certain (racial) stereotypes to a tee, but as my new position requires me to interact quite a bit with the older adults on the campus as well, I'm noticing a number of similar stereotypes among them too. For example, oftentimes an employee will listen to music at his/her desk. If the employee is a work study student, or is under the age of thirty, the music will almost always be hip-hop or R&B -- the only exceptions I've heard so far being the selections of the freaknerds and the Linkin Park played by an old high school classmate of mine. But if the employee is older, the music will invariably be gospel music. Actually, a handful of the younger people -- usually women -- also play an abundance of gospel music. By the way, I hate gospel music. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 11:16 am | Comments (2)
And now, Crayon Poetry Corner.
Category: SC Updates

As promised, here's Crayon Poetry Corner #10! This woman was totally delectable like. But what was she really running from? Hmmm... 😕

Also, dig this site -- I stumbled across it while searching for an old page with information about Terra (which was here, by the way). It's pretty wild -- when I searched for Terra info long ago, the Titans Tower link was one of the first ones to come up -- but this time I actually had to wade through a bunch of sites, not all of them entirely decent, in order to find it! Guess that goes to show that the Teen Titans cartoon is getting pretty popular... so much so that fairly attractive women are actually dressing up as characters from it! Anyway, regarding SSHM, I wouldn't visit it at work. Although most of it is work safe (despite the copious warnings), you wouldn't want to get a reputation for being the office nerd-perv! View at your own risk.

Aaand that's all for now! Thoughts on the poem and accompanying drawing are both welcome and appreciated. Ja ne, minna-san! 🙂

-posted by Wes | 12:20 am | Comments (0)
May 11, 2005
I hunger...
Category: Miscellany

So I ran out the door without getting any food (I never eat breakfast, but I'll usually shove a cereal bar or a Star Crunch in my bag for later consumption) and now I am bloody starving! I did pack a lunch today -- a french fry and onion ring sandwich -- but I can't eat that now, because then I will be starving when I take my lunch in an hour or so! MADNESS, I TELL YOU!

And speaking of appetites... no, I'm not going to say anything. Another HGWA stopped into the office earlier today, though, and "droolworthy" is today's secret word! Actually, it's odd -- she was wearing pretty much the exact same thing that the one who works here is wearing today. Maybe it's just their clothes that I want! Clothes and accents. Yes.

Also, 20 Questions rocks! It's more fun to win with things that are in its database, since then you can see where your answers differed from what's in its databank. It has Godzilla in there! :mrgreen: Later, gators!

-posted by Wes | 12:30 pm | Comments (4)
Coming soon to Scary-Crayon...
Category: SC Updates

Okay, so I was in the process of writing a post and suddenly it occurred to me that with an illustration and a few line breaks it could serve as an installment of Crayon Poetry Corner, so look for that around Friday. Actually, maybe I'll post it tonight. I should have another Scary-Crayon film review ready soon -- I was thinking I'd do that tonight -- but maybe I'll post that one on Friday so that it'll be the top article on the site going into the weekend. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 9:26 am | Comments (0)
May 10, 2005
Cereal in the sink!
Category: Miscellany

Okay, so I just went into the bathroom here at work and saw a handful of Fruity Pebbles in the sink! They were way too intact to have been regurgitated, meaning that some fool actually meant to waste Fruity Pebbles by throwing them into the sink! WHY?!?! Everyone likes Fruity Pebbles. 'Cause they're delicious.

Speaking of cereal, I ate cereal for dinner last night and woke up thinner! Yes! I think I will eat cereal again tonight. Also, I will write a short poem about it:

If you eat cereal for dinner,
you could wake up thinner!
I did, you see --
thinner is me.


-posted by Wes | 1:17 pm | Comments (16)