Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
May 10, 2005
Cereal in the sink!
Category: Miscellany

Okay, so I just went into the bathroom here at work and saw a handful of Fruity Pebbles in the sink! They were way too intact to have been regurgitated, meaning that some fool actually meant to waste Fruity Pebbles by throwing them into the sink! WHY?!?! Everyone likes Fruity Pebbles. 'Cause they're delicious.

Speaking of cereal, I ate cereal for dinner last night and woke up thinner! Yes! I think I will eat cereal again tonight. Also, I will write a short poem about it:

If you eat cereal for dinner,
you could wake up thinner!
I did, you see --
thinner is me.


-posted by Wes | 1:17 pm | Comments (16)
  • Jesus says:

    Was it fruity pebbles for dinner?

  • Lori says:

    And why the bathroom sink?

  • Wes says:

    Jesus: Actually, it was Frankenberry, Golden Crisp, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch!

    Lori: Your guess is as good as mine.

  • Jesus says:

    Whoa Frankenberry! You should have Frankenberry and Count Chocula so they can duke it out! And then make a Hot Flash about it or something!

  • Wes says:

    There's no contest! Frankenberry would win that one hands down.

    I wish I had Frankenberry and Count Chocula action figures, though. Not these damned bobbleheads you can get from time to time if you send in five proofs of purchase and $7 for shipping and handling -- actual action figures. I wonder if I could get ahold of some Victor and Demitri figs and repaint them...?

  • Jesus says:

    How about Captain Crunch vs Frankenberry then!? You and the cap'n can make it happen!

  • Matt says:

    I was always a fan of Toucan Sam, myself.

  • Wes says:

    Jesus: That's also a no-contest match -- Frankenberry wins by default. Captain Crunch gets disqualified for making the roof of my mouth bleed.

    Matt: Few cereals are more appalling to my tastebuds than Fruit Loops. Can't stand 'em.

  • Jesus says:

    Fruit Loops are indeed to fruity to me.

  • Greg says:

    I'm a Cinnamon Toast Crunch guy myself. Also, Frankenberry > Count Chocula. If I wanted Count Chocula, I'd buy Coco Puffs.

  • Wes says:

    Why would you do that? If you wanted Count Chocula, wouldn't it make more sense to buy Count Chocula? 😉

  • Jesus says:

    Ooooh how about Cocoa Puffs bird vs Cocoa Krispies Monkey!? The eternal cocoa battle!

  • Josh says:

    What? Those bastards!
    I love fruity pebbles 🙁

    Hey Wes, have you ever tried Waffle Crisp? One of many great cereals from post.

  • Wes says:

    Jesus: I'd pay to see that one! But what ever happened to ol' Cocoa the monkey? Haven't seen him in ages and Snap, Crackle, and Pop now occupy the space formerly reserved for his noble baseball-capped simian head.

    Josh: Alas, I am unfamiliar with Waffle Crisp. Does it taste like waffles? Cookie Crisp doesn't taste like cookies.

  • Mickey says:

    I had a roommate once who literally survived on dry cereal. I thought it a little strange until the evening I found myself eating peanut butter out of the jar for dinner. And then strange took on a whole new meaning. =)

  • Wes says:

    Mmm... Mickey and peanut butter. Sounds like a Kodak moment to me! 😉

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