Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
May 10, 2005
Two 2005 Movie Reviews!

I think I've seen a total of two movies in the theater this year, both of which I watched during the past few weeks. So here are brief reviews of them!

Sin City: I really wanted to like this one. Before I saw the movie, I checked out and read four of the original Frank Miller graphic novels (only one of which was used in the film, but that was all we had at the bookstore). I read up on the genre of film noir and rewatched D.O.A. and watched The World Gone Mad and The Amazing Mr. X (which has been described as film noir by some, though it lacks the familiar pre-1960s criminal underground connection). I can't remember whether I watched Mulholland Falls (another noish film) before or after I saw Sin City -- I'm thinking after -- but the point is that I was preparing myself for this film. I'd heard so many good things about it, read so many rave reviews from film critics whose opinions I respect, seen the trailers and comic comparisons -- it looked bloody amazing -- I was expecting to flat out love this movie. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 9:59 am | Comments (7)
May 9, 2005
It's time for another Crayon Haiku!
Category: SC Updates

Rejoice! A Crayon Haiku #29 is now online. Enjoy, minna-san! :mrgreen:

-posted by Wes | 9:16 pm | Comments (6)
Dancin' with myself
Category: Serious

A couple of weeks ago, TAB completed an exercise (from "Dating for Dummies", no less) that requires one to list ten things one likes about oneself. He then suggested that all of his readers give it a try as well -- and shortly thereafter, Becky (and probably more people; I don't know and/or remember) followed suit. I didn't, however, and furthermore noted that I'd have a hard time coming up with even one item for such a list. It's not that I don't think that there is anything to like about myself, nor is it that there aren't things that I don't like about myself. There probably are. It's just that, unless I'm drunk and rocking out to Billy Idol, I don't think about them a whole lot -- or at least not in a positive context. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 1:49 am | Comments (10)
May 8, 2005
Mother's Day on Scary-Crayon...
Category: Fiction? … SC Updates

''Happy Mother's Day''

This Mother's Day, Scary-Crayon asks, "What does a child get for a mother who realizes that her life would have been better if the child had never been born?" Find out in "Happy Mother's Day", our latest short story. And for those of you who missed it, here's last year's Mother's Day Crayon Haiku.

Happy Mother's Day, everyone! Ja.

-posted by Wes | 4:26 pm | Comments (4)
May 5, 2005
Bizarro comes to Scary-Crayon!
Category: SC Updates

''Bizarro am smart!!!''

Scary-Crayon marks FREE COMIC BOOK DAY (which is this coming Saturday, May 7) by featuring a special guest star in Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #40 -- Bizarro of Superman fame! But while fictional characters didn't shop for books while I worked there, I did get a lot of customers that... well, read the comic and see. It's kinda depressing.

Speaking of depressing, thanks to everyone who attempted to say something helpful regarding my last post. No, things haven't gotten any better, but what am I gonna do? The best answer to that question would involve a length of thick rope and a ceiling fan, but I haven't reached that point yet. So don't worry! Ja ne.

-posted by Wes | 9:57 pm | Comments (5)