Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
May 11, 2005
I hunger...
Category: Miscellany

So I ran out the door without getting any food (I never eat breakfast, but I'll usually shove a cereal bar or a Star Crunch in my bag for later consumption) and now I am bloody starving! I did pack a lunch today -- a french fry and onion ring sandwich -- but I can't eat that now, because then I will be starving when I take my lunch in an hour or so! MADNESS, I TELL YOU!

And speaking of appetites... no, I'm not going to say anything. Another HGWA stopped into the office earlier today, though, and "droolworthy" is today's secret word! Actually, it's odd -- she was wearing pretty much the exact same thing that the one who works here is wearing today. Maybe it's just their clothes that I want! Clothes and accents. Yes.

Also, 20 Questions rocks! It's more fun to win with things that are in its database, since then you can see where your answers differed from what's in its databank. It has Godzilla in there! :mrgreen: Later, gators!

-posted by Wes | 12:30 pm | Comments (4)
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