Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 18, 2004
SC notes, Shore Leave fan art, Dusty Plastic HELL #4...
Category: Art … SC Updates

Well, Blogger suddenly looks very strange. More options! Which are mostly unnecessary, except for making colorful/blinding text. Hey Mickey, at least your preview thing is back, yes? (more...)

-posted by Wes | 12:39 am | Comments (0)
July 16, 2004
A rebuttal.
Category: Serious

Quick post before I start getting ready to work the closing shift. Not to continue to go on and on about a dreary and depressing subject, but wanted to respond to a general attitude towards suicide and those who choose to commit it -- that suicide is "the easy way out."

That's false. Patently so. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 2:22 pm | Comments (0)
One of these days...
Category: Miscellany

I feel pretty good right now. I like myself. But I always like myself. Presently, I also like what I'm doing. I'm drinking. And eating apple pie. Or I was eating apple pie. I'm not anymore. I like pie. Picked it up today during my half-hour break, which I spent pacing the aisles of Toys 'R' Us and Giant looking for crap on which to waste my meager hard-earned pay. And, as said, I went with an apple pie at Giant. An overbaked pie. It's quite amusing how they put that "Oops! We overbaked!" sticker on there, as if I'd be able to tell that they overbaked the pie. It's not like they burned it or anything. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 12:36 am | Comments (0)
July 14, 2004
Scary-Crayon Updated!
Category: SC Updates

No, I didn't go to sleep before updating, nor did I take a break to go dick around with something else -- it's really taken me all fucking night to get this review written and ready. I BLOODY HOPE YOU ENJOY IT! Scary-Crayon: The Shore Leave Report. Two pages of insanity. Please don't be offended. Unless you're Brian Thompson -- then it's okay. And even then you should be angry with yourself, not me. Asshole.

And again, special thanks to De and Em for their role in bringing this lengthy SC first to fruition.

Anyway, I suspect the article is rife with typos, given that at this point I can barely see the screen due to the blurrage, so please send me an e-mail with a detailed list of typos and their locations in the text and I'll get right on fixing them when I can see straight. Jeez, I'm supposed to be working at noon. I'm gonna be dead on my feet.

Presently, I'm making plans to eat a donut. Then die. See you later.

-posted by Wes | 7:12 am | Comments (0)
July 13, 2004
Shore Leave article is coming...
Category: SC Updates

So I'm hard at work on that article -- it's a really long one, and I'm already sure it's going to be at least two pages -- but I'm still hoping to have it ready for a Wednesday release (which means it should go up sometime after midnight). But for my loyal blog readers, here are a few preview photos to hold you over (1, 2, and 3). Lots more photos will accompany the in-depth report itself, so stay tuned. Blogger apparently plans on going down for a couple of hours tonight -- should be back up by the time I get to the article, right? -- but if it's not and you're still up then, try skipping over to Scary-Crayon to see if I've posted it yet. If not, you can always check out one of the many other articles. 😉

And here are a couple more con-related plugs -- I did get a couple of URLs from people at the con, so I'll gladly give them a quick nod. You can check out the website of graphic designer and illustrator Christopher Allan here. And here, the website of the zany and multi-talented Kara Dennison. Give them some love.


-posted by Wes | 5:07 pm | Comments (0)