Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 3, 2004
Bookstore notes and a handful o' links.
Category: Miscellany

Notes from the bookstore:

Several days ago, a woman came in asking for this title. She seemed incredibly sad, and after I got over the initial shock, I felt incredibly sad for her. I wonder what it was like for her -- not just the whole ordeal, which I can't imagine, but how it must have been to actually go in and ask for that title... I think I might've blurted out, "Whoa... that's... heavy..." before of course offering my condolences (I'm pretty sure this book was for her, though I guess you'd still be pretty upset if you were buying the book for someone close to you). We didn't carry the book in the store. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 8:37 am | Comments (0)
July 1, 2004
Scary-Crayon Updated!
Category: SC Updates

And now, Scary-Crayon presents... SNACK CAKE SUSHI!!! Enjoy!

Oh, and as noted in the now hopefully more visible Site Talk block on the main page, I switched its position with that of the Section Archives box (so if you're looking for it, just scroll down). To be honest, I'm not all *that* pleased with it this way, since if people aren't going to see things I'd much rather them miss the Site Talk than the older articles, but I figure I can always change it back depending on the information supplied by the logs. We'll see.

Anyway, gotta run, and I wrote quite a bit in the last post, so read that if you want to know what I've been up to. Ja.

-posted by Wes | 2:08 pm | Comments (0)