Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 13, 2004
Shore Leave article is coming...
Category: SC Updates

So I'm hard at work on that article -- it's a really long one, and I'm already sure it's going to be at least two pages -- but I'm still hoping to have it ready for a Wednesday release (which means it should go up sometime after midnight). But for my loyal blog readers, here are a few preview photos to hold you over (1, 2, and 3). Lots more photos will accompany the in-depth report itself, so stay tuned. Blogger apparently plans on going down for a couple of hours tonight -- should be back up by the time I get to the article, right? -- but if it's not and you're still up then, try skipping over to Scary-Crayon to see if I've posted it yet. If not, you can always check out one of the many other articles. 😉

And here are a couple more con-related plugs -- I did get a couple of URLs from people at the con, so I'll gladly give them a quick nod. You can check out the website of graphic designer and illustrator Christopher Allan here. And here, the website of the zany and multi-talented Kara Dennison. Give them some love.


-posted by Wes | 5:07 pm | Comments (0)
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