Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 16, 2004
One of these days...
Category: Miscellany

I feel pretty good right now. I like myself. But I always like myself. Presently, I also like what I'm doing. I'm drinking. And eating apple pie. Or I was eating apple pie. I'm not anymore. I like pie. Picked it up today during my half-hour break, which I spent pacing the aisles of Toys 'R' Us and Giant looking for crap on which to waste my meager hard-earned pay. And, as said, I went with an apple pie at Giant. An overbaked pie. It's quite amusing how they put that "Oops! We overbaked!" sticker on there, as if I'd be able to tell that they overbaked the pie. It's not like they burned it or anything. Anyway, I appreciate their honesty, as well as the $2 they knocked off of the price. A $4 pie is a bit much for me (unless it's 3 AM diner pie, in which case I'd be willing to pay $4 for a single slice), but a $2 pie is alllways a good deal. Unless it's one of those tiny 3" diameter pies that generally go for $0.50 each. Then $2 is a fucking ripoff.

So yeah, work sucked, as usual. It'll suck tomorrow/today, and it'll suck Saturday. Then I'm off Sunday. Then it'll suck again Monday. Sigh. Seriously, folks -- and I say this half-jokingly, except it's not really funny, but in any case don't go getting all worried, 'cause that won't do any good -- soon, very soon, I may be going away. And if you notice that the blog and especially Scary-Crayon haven't been updated in a week or two, you can safely assume that I finally stepped in front of a truck and put an end to this pitiful excuse for a life. I'm just about at the end of my tether here. So yeah, when that happens, none of that shit about how "he had so much to live for" or "what a waste" or any of that crap. And don't go wondering why I did it. You know damned well why. If you want to wonder about anything, wonder why the fuck it took me so long to finally go through with it. I'm tired of lying to myself and being lied to by others. Tired.

Every day the bucket goes to the well --
one day the bottom will drop out.


-posted by Wes | 12:36 am | Comments (0)
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