Dear Wikipedia,
I miss you. I don't know why you're not responding to my connection requests and causing my browser to become impatient. Is your server experiencing high demand or a temporary outage? I'm not unable to browse other sites, so I don't think it has to do with my connection or firewall or proxy settings. I don't think consulting my network administrator or Internet provider for assistance is going to help either. I don't need counseling or reassurance, Wikipedia -- I need you.
Please come back to me soon, okay?
xoxo Wes
In other news, Scary-Crayon was updated Friday -- in addition to finally getting that Mai & Chun-Li figure review up, we've also posted a quick haiku and the exciting second installment of Mickey's Sarah Jane Smith Fashionista Fever! And for those of you who just watched "Turn Left" Friday night, you might want to check the review I did of it a few weeks ago. 🙂
Also, here is a quick review of Hancock that I originally posted on a forum! Spoilers are hidden after the cut, so I don't advise clicking if you haven't seen the film and care about having certain plot developments revealed.
I don't think Hancock was actually good, mind you, but I went in knowing nothing about it except what I'd seen in the trailers -- so when Hancock morphed into something I wasn't expecting, I was kind of intrigued. I do think the movie cheated by telegraphing the wrong finale (the wife basically intimated that Hancock was a jerk who lets people down, yet he'd actually spent the last millennium or so protecting her?), and the stuff with the bad guys was pretty lame, but the new backstory and dynamic were interesting enough to me that I could divorce them from the movie in which they appeared. Plus, I thought the movie suggested that the alien couple was essentially broken up by the bigotry and discrimination in America (or at least that's what I read into the notion of the couple getting attacked and references to fires in earlier days), which was also of interesting to ponder... especially in light of the notion that they were created by some superintelligent alien beings (who presumably would have been able to predict the future that their superpowered couple would inherit).
Anyway, I guess my opinion of Hancock is akin to how I might feel about an inoffensive but mostly unfunny joke that ends with an even less funny yet interesting suggestion about time travel and quantum physics. I'd have trouble calling the joke a success in terms of what it set out to do, but I'd appreciate the thought-provoking effect it had upon me.
All for now, then! Until next time, folks.