Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
December 16, 2005
The Great Room Excavation
Category: Miscellany

Room of Wes, June 2004.

That is what my room looked like in June 2004. By November of that year, it looked like this. So you can just imagine what it looks like now. Or at least how it did look before I spent almost twelve hours last night -- I started at 10:30 PM and didn't sleep until around 10 AM this morning -- burrowing through the mess in an attempt to restore it to some semblance of order.

It's Hulkerrific...

Now, I didn't take any pics of what the room looked like before I started, but several hours into the cleaning process, this is what the room looked like. Note the captions. In the course of rummaging through the clutter, I actually came across three boxes with cereal still in them, all of which had been expired for at least a year. Pictured here is a box of Winter Fruity Pebbles -- which, given its expiration date, must have been there since the previous winter season. Nice. Also, the reference to the bed frame calls attention to one of my modes of travel. Given that the floor was often too cluttered to serve as a suitable path, I used to grip the frame of the top bunk with my hands and strafe along the side until reaching an acceptable dismount spot. I'm actually going to miss doing that! It was kinda fun and made me feel like only the most nimble of secret agents could navigate my lair of mystery. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 6:24 pm | Comments (14)
December 8, 2005
Category: Miscellany

I cannot believe that this woman just said, on national television, that her thighs stick together when she gets nervous. She then advised women at home to grease their inner thighs in order to prevent this from happening.

I fucking want to vomit now.

-posted by Wes | 10:48 pm | Comments (4)
These fortunes are bullshit!
Category: Miscellany

Latest fortune cookie reading:

You have a friendly heart and are well admired.

See topic.

-posted by Wes | 3:33 pm | Comments (4)
December 6, 2005
Animal Farm
Category: Miscellany

Assuming you're not already, would you become a vegetarian if it were suddenly discovered that cows, pigs, chickens, goats, etc. could talk and, moreover, are capable of highly intelligent thought? And do you think that most people would make significant changes to their eating habits?

Just wondering!

-posted by Wes | 9:31 pm | Comments (9)
November 24, 2005
Category: Miscellany

There really is nothing like the holidays to underscore the depressing reality of one's situation in life. After watching my sister brag about how she called the police on me and lied that I attempted to murder her last year and watching my mother laugh heartily about it I am fucking disgusted with everything. THEY FUCKING FIND IT FUNNY! I suppose they think of the incident along the lines of "no harm, no foul" (since I wasn't arrested), but what they fail to understand is that on that day significant -- perhaps irreparable -- harm was done. I may occasionally joke about wanting to harm certain people, but I AM NOT A MURDERER. Moreover, I think murder is wrong. So I view it as a serious insult when people act as if they truly believe me to be dangerous -- especially when they do so insincerely in order to get me into trouble for their own amusement. Furthermore, I actually care about my sister -- and have never attempted to seriously injure her, let alone kill her -- so for her to call the police and put on a show and tell lies to the effect that I had was a very painful thing for me to experience. She laughed about it then, too. But that was a year ago, and I could perhaps drop it if it weren't so apparent that to this day she is apparently proud of her actions then -- and that our mother views the whole thing as being ridiculously funny. I view their actions and reactions here, at the very least, as betraying their decidedly negative perception of me.

Am I being unreasonable? I don't believe so, but after having a good laugh at this incident, my mother seemed geniunely surprised that I would excuse myself from the table. My reply: "Why would you want to eat dinner with a known murderer?" And yet far from thinking better of their comments and derisive words, I can still hear them talking about and laughing at me as I sit in my room!

I'm done for now. Again, happy Thanksgiving.

-posted by Wes | 6:21 pm | Comments (10)