Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
September 15, 2005
Category: Miscellany

Seriously, why do I bother? I feel so frustrated right now. And I'm sick. 🙁

Tell me something good, hmm?

-posted by Wes | 2:45 am | Comments (5)
September 13, 2005
Fuck the Billboard Music Awards.
Category: Miscellany

Okay, apparently I've never paid much attention to these things before -- did everyone else know that these awards are based on sales??? I just watched them present an award for the bestselling male artist in some category, as if that isn't its own reward! Seriously, fuck that -- they should give an award to the artists who didn't sell shit, so then maybe those guys could get a little exposure and recognition too. Fucking popularity contest.

Oh, and who knows more about blood, sweat, and tears than the Osbournes? Probably some starving old musician playing NYC's subway terminals who's devoted his life to his craft and never came close to achieving the fame your husband garnered from biting the heads off of live bats on stage. Fuck you too, Sharon.

(By the way, for those of you experiencing a bit of deja vu, I did just post this mini-rant on Scary-Crayon's blog, so you're not going crazy. Nor am I going crazy, 'cause it was intentional. And if you haven't been over there lately, you might want to check this latest piece -- especially if you're a comics fan!)

-posted by Wes | 9:47 pm | Comments (1)
September 3, 2005
So I'm back...
Category: Miscellany

And kind of glad to be so, actually -- 'cause despite a few pleasant encounters, I can't say that this was a fun trip overall. Maybe I missed some things on my previous trips to NYC because they were more/less recreational visits, but this first "business" trip has prompted me to kinda stop and seriously reconsider my plan to move to the big city. Almost everything struck me as being fast, brutal, competitive, even cruel -- all things that I am not -- and I don't know if I could be happy in a place like that. Granted, I'm not happy here, but being here doesn't scare me -- whereas I think I was more terrified at points during these past two days than I've ever been in my entire life. Maybe it was just me psyching myself out? I don't know.

Anyway, I'll probably follow through with some of the things currently in motion, and if nothing pans out I think it would be good for me to step back and think really hard about where I want to be and what I want out of that place. Maybe take a couple of months to travel around to different cities and see what they have to offer. I definitely like metropolitan areas, but I think somewhere a little more laid-back might be more my speed... we'll see.

Right now, however, I think I need to sleep. I'll write more about the specifics of the trip later. TTFN.

-posted by Wes | 4:28 am | Comments (4)
August 31, 2005
And away we go...
Category: Miscellany

Bye bye, cluttered work area!

So in less than nine hours I leave for my first "serious" voyage to NYC -- I've got a couple of apartment viewings scheduled, some others I plan to walk in and view, a job interview on Friday, and a few other places I plan to swing by and leave a resume (possibly more, depending upon what I see in the local papers). I'm not sure what I'm more worried about -- the employment thing or the job thing! I mean, theoretically speaking, it's no big deal if I can't find an apartment, since I can always come back here (I'm planning to travel to and from NYC until then; frex, I'm coming back Friday night), and even if I do find an apartment I'll probably be making frequent trips back here to transport certain essentials, etc. But then, on the off chance that I do get hired at one of these places, I'll need somewhere to live so I can start work! So it seems like the apartment should take top priority, but the shadow of unemployment really bothers me. Anyway, hopefully something will pan out!

A message from Z. Rox Machina.

In other news: As I think I already mentioned, Friday was my last day at my old job. The topmost photo is a picture of me on my last day there -- I colored myself blue for no reason in particular. Actually, I was kinda sad to leave, despite appearances to the contrary. I was pretty good at maintaining those accounting books despite having had no previous training in that area and I did like the folks in the office and the environment, but I guess it's time to move on. I'm really scared and nervous about it, but yeah, I imagine things will be a little better once I find a place to live or a job (or, preferably, both). And the above image is the note I placed on the copying machine when it broke the previous week. Forget my bookkeeping skills -- it's my humor that the department is really going to miss! Or not... 😉

And oh yeah, my cell phone came today and I'll be setting that up tonight before I leave, so if you'd like to be added to my contact list -- especially if you live in the NYC area and want to catch up with me tomorrow or Friday! -- e-mail me your number if you haven't already done so (or if you want to do so again). That e-mail will also let me know that you're interested in having my number, so I'll send it to you.

Tara from Cartoon Network's Cartoon Fridays!

And one more pic before we go -- for some reason I think Tara is really hot. I can't explain it! Maybe it's because she more/less occupies the Miss Yvonne role on CN's Cartoon Fridays sketches in that she's the female lead. Dixie was way more attractive than Miss Yvonne, though. Hell, she even played the trumpet!

Okay, I've really gotta go now. Ja ne, minna-san -- hopefully I'll survive the trip and have good or at least interesting news to share on Saturday.

Oh yeah, and speaking of good news, I won $100 playing Sudoku in the Washington Post Express! So that's two mentions I've gotten in that paper within the span of a week. The $100 is already gone and then some -- I had to buy ink for the printer to print out these bloody resumes and book bus tickets and hotel rooms and whatnot -- but still, every little bit helps.


-posted by Wes | 5:49 pm | Comments (4)
August 26, 2005
To heck with "Butterstick" -- I vote for "Gary"!
Category: Miscellany

Today a letter about PANDAS from your pal Wes appears in the Washington Post Express! Be sure to snag one if you're in the local area, but if not, a pdf copy is available online (you want the 8/26/05 issue). But here's the relevant part:

''Gary is better than 'Apple'''

Alas, I can't take credit for the titular reference to Gwyneth Paltrow's brood, but the rest of the letter appears in more/less unedited form -- I had a parenthetical "Eeeeyy!!" that followed the mention of FONZ (Friends of the National Zoo), but that's about the only change. Sweet!

Yeah, I know it's just a short (and hopefully funny) letter, but this is my first published clip that wasn't in a student-run newspaper or magazine or online, so I'm pretty pleased. More to come, perhaps...?

I'll say more about other stuff later, including the previous entry. But off to work for now -- ja!

-posted by Wes | 6:11 am | Comments (9)