I fucking expect to see some cartoons. Why is Dumb and Dumber on? And why is "Saved by the Bell" joining the CN lineup -- on Adult Swim, of all places?
Not that I mind that last one.
And roughly forty minutes later, my tongue stopped tingling.
I fucking expect to see some cartoons. Why is Dumb and Dumber on? And why is "Saved by the Bell" joining the CN lineup -- on Adult Swim, of all places?
Not that I mind that last one.
And roughly forty minutes later, my tongue stopped tingling.
I found an old battery in my room that had lots of crystalline white powder around its seams and bottom. Something possessed me to sniff it. It had no scent.
Then, possibly due to my dissatisfaction with this lack of sensory gratification, I resolved to lick it.
It tasted like sour skittles and made my tongue tingle.
My tongue is still tingling.
Okay, you heard the audio post about the weepy bra lady on TLC. That was pretty bad, right? But get this -- I just tuned into SciFi and there was a segment about a man being raped by the ghost of a Civil War soldier. As if gay cowboys (eating pudding) wasn't bad enough, now we've got gay spectres from important historical events. Who comes up with this stuff?!
I saw Brokeback Mountain the other weekend, by the way. I thought it was really good (far better than Crash, to the point where I can kind of understand why she was angry enough about the loss to write this), but it definitely could've been better. It's kind of difficult to cram 20+ years of people's lives into a two-hour film and it really showed with this film, such that it probably would've been better as a miniseries. If they released a four-plus-hour extended version like with the Lord of the Rings films, I'd totally be interested in checking it out.
All for now -- ja ne!
No, really -- I went down my blogroll and read at least the latest entry in every blog and in most cases the last two or three. I commented where I had something to say. In some cases, I wrote quite a lot. Thanks to Sam, I also learned about yeti crabs, which are totally awesome. Aren't you proud of me? I knew you would be. By the way, does anyone know what has happened to Parizad? My link appears to be dead. :/
Okay, later.
It now appears to me that it is a speck of dust/lint somehow trapped underneath the screen's protective covering, judging from its position relative to the angle at which I view it (as opposed to the fixed position of the pixels on the screen image itself). There must be a way to rectify this matter, but short of cracking open the lid I am at a loss for answers. Outsourced tech support, I imagine, will be of little assistance.