Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
November 24, 2005
Category: Miscellany

There really is nothing like the holidays to underscore the depressing reality of one's situation in life. After watching my sister brag about how she called the police on me and lied that I attempted to murder her last year and watching my mother laugh heartily about it I am fucking disgusted with everything. THEY FUCKING FIND IT FUNNY! I suppose they think of the incident along the lines of "no harm, no foul" (since I wasn't arrested), but what they fail to understand is that on that day significant -- perhaps irreparable -- harm was done. I may occasionally joke about wanting to harm certain people, but I AM NOT A MURDERER. Moreover, I think murder is wrong. So I view it as a serious insult when people act as if they truly believe me to be dangerous -- especially when they do so insincerely in order to get me into trouble for their own amusement. Furthermore, I actually care about my sister -- and have never attempted to seriously injure her, let alone kill her -- so for her to call the police and put on a show and tell lies to the effect that I had was a very painful thing for me to experience. She laughed about it then, too. But that was a year ago, and I could perhaps drop it if it weren't so apparent that to this day she is apparently proud of her actions then -- and that our mother views the whole thing as being ridiculously funny. I view their actions and reactions here, at the very least, as betraying their decidedly negative perception of me.

Am I being unreasonable? I don't believe so, but after having a good laugh at this incident, my mother seemed geniunely surprised that I would excuse myself from the table. My reply: "Why would you want to eat dinner with a known murderer?" And yet far from thinking better of their comments and derisive words, I can still hear them talking about and laughing at me as I sit in my room!

I'm done for now. Again, happy Thanksgiving.

-posted by Wes | 6:21 pm | Comments (10)
  • keeper says:

    Wes, I am sorry to hear about your distress, perhaps your mother dose not understand gravity of the matter, or it is not uncommon for a mother to be in denial over the actions of her children. I am sure if she understood the true depths of your feeling, she would not take it so lightly. Try not to let it bother you so . She needs to get a better understanding. I am on the outside looking in, so it is easy for me to see the big picture, she is on the inside looking out , she can not see you as the man you are without help, you will always be her baby boy. I could be wrong, but that is what I see in the picture you have painted for us.

  • Omni says:

    I find it horrifying that ANYONE would find involving the police in someone's life to be acceptable regardless of the outcome, much less find it amusing!! :-O

  • Becky says:

    Yeah, I could imagine how that would be a holiday buzz kill. Sorry you had to go through that, Wes. I hope this year was better for you. I mean, after all, you got to meet me right?

    Juuuuuuust kidding.

  • Joel says:

    Jeez alou, Wes...

    Although, with that post, I am now starting to understand you a little better...

  • Wes says:

    How so, Joel?

  • Molly says:

    Yeah cuz it's so funny to make false claims to the police, wtf? That's like... illegal isn't it? That is just wrong. And to have a family member (of all people) do that to you, I can't imagine... I wouldn't want to spend time with them this year, either. Or ever, really. I don't blame you for feeling that way at all.

  • Joel says:

    It seems that dark and twisted behavior runs in your family, Wes. Or is this just an isolated incident with your sister?

  • Lori says:

    They don't even deserve to know you! I'm sorry, Wes.

  • Wes says:

    Joel: Oh, this kind of thing happens all the time. Granted, the police are rarely called, but the feelings implied by these actions are pretty common.

    Lori: If the decidedly negative opinions that the vast majority of people I've met have held of me are at all justified, maybe they do deserve to know me! 😆

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