Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 23, 2005
Category: Miscellany

What's up with some of you people not having comments on your blogs? Or even posted e-mails -- like a certain Miz Omni? You've gotta have one or the other so I can tell you stuff! Sometimes I've got stuff to say about posts -- like the one about the intelligent telepathic parrot! -- that I can't say out in the open, so at the very least I could write something in the comments about how I actually wrote a story about a really smart parrot once, so e-mail me if you want to read it too, 'cause I think you'd like it! But then if I write that here, everyone will want to read it!

Ha, yeah right! Nobody wants to read my stories. 😛 (more...)

-posted by Wes | 9:14 am | Comments (14)
OMG, Scary-Crayon updated!
Category: SC Updates

Yep, two new short pieces for you today -- Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #44 and A Crayon Haiku #32. Warning on that second one -- if you can't stand the sight of blood, steer clear. I mean, it's not quite as gross as the (VIEW AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!) 19th haiku, but I dunno. Some people may be disgusted. Hot Flash #44 also involves some blood, but it's a drawing, so you should be able to handle it. Enjoy! (more...)

-posted by Wes | 12:35 am | Comments (1)
June 22, 2005
What, no sex with Arab boys?!?
Category: Books

Hey all -- just a quick update before I hit the sack. Been well? Hope so.

On Saturday night I ventured back to that DC goth club to check out a performance by Martiya Possession, a gothic bellydancing troupe. Not bad -- they were great dancers! -- but I think maybe I was expecting something else. Like given that bellydancing supposedly has all of these connections to fertility rites and whatnot, I think I was expecting to be aroused! I wasn't. But then, maybe I was too drunk for that, seeing as how I actually slumped over and fell asleep right there at the bar just after finishing my turkey burger. (I was kinda hungry, but I think I ordered it more for the novelty of eating a turkey burger in a goth bar on the night of a bellydancing performance.) Really -- I was fucking gone. But that's what I get for drinking with my dad before going! (more...)

-posted by Wes | 12:12 am | Comments (12)
June 18, 2005
Happy Father's Day, M. Bison!
Category: Art … SC Updates

M. Bison!

Little late, but here it is -- Scary-Crayon Father's Day tribute! This year, Lord M. Bison takes the top honors. He'll kill your dad to save the rain forests!

-posted by Wes | 12:57 pm | Comments (7)
June 16, 2005
In defense of anime!
Category: Miscellany

So over on TAB's blog in the comments section, in response to a comment from TAB regarding the shows he watches -- mostly animated fare, including "Justice League Unlimited" -- I asked why he hadn't included "Teen Titans" among his viewing list. I mean, it's in the same superhero show category and airs right before JLU (or at least it did before they broke in with episodes of "The Batman") -- and I kind of think of the shows as two parts of the same superhero viewing hour, so... yeah. Anyway, he pretty much responded that he didn't like the show because it's got an anime flavor to it -- and TAB doesn't like anime. Another of his readers then commented that he doesn't get into anime either, noting, with respect to the TT show, that he's used to the Titans as rendered by the comic book artists, so he finds their new animated appearance to be offputting. That (as noted below), I can understand. As for the rest, well, here's what I wrote: (more...)

-posted by Wes | 12:54 pm | Comments (14)