Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 16, 2005
In defense of anime!
Category: Miscellany

So over on TAB's blog in the comments section, in response to a comment from TAB regarding the shows he watches -- mostly animated fare, including "Justice League Unlimited" -- I asked why he hadn't included "Teen Titans" among his viewing list. I mean, it's in the same superhero show category and airs right before JLU (or at least it did before they broke in with episodes of "The Batman") -- and I kind of think of the shows as two parts of the same superhero viewing hour, so... yeah. Anyway, he pretty much responded that he didn't like the show because it's got an anime flavor to it -- and TAB doesn't like anime. Another of his readers then commented that he doesn't get into anime either, noting, with respect to the TT show, that he's used to the Titans as rendered by the comic book artists, so he finds their new animated appearance to be offputting. That (as noted below), I can understand. As for the rest, well, here's what I wrote:

I dunno about the "generational thing" excuse. I can respect the opinions of folks who dislike certain animes for this or that reason, but folks who dislike anime just because they don't like the "look" of it is, to my mind, pretty much the same not liking black-and-white films because they're not in color or not liking foreign films because the characters don't speak English. (I can see not liking the Teen Titans 'toon for that reason, though, as Neil mentions he's used to the Perez look for that particular series.)

Anyway, not all animes are as "wacky" as Teen Titans. Some are wackier. But then there are also a number that deal with very serious subjects -- Grave of the Fireflies, for example, is a heartrending depiction of the struggles of two Japanese orphans following the WWII bombings. My favorite anime (TV series), "Azumanga Daioh", follows a group of (more/less) normal girls through high school. Not everything's about random wackiness and giant robots and bouncing breasts and buildings exploding. (Though there are a fair number of animes containing those as well!)

Maybe the generational thing has to do with the younger set being less rigid when it comes to what they'll try? I mean, kids have more free time than you working adults, so they've got time to check out new and unfamiliar things -- whereas the older crowd, which has so little leisure time, prefers to spend those few idle moments with things it knows well.

Yup. Anyway, probably won't have that promised Scary-Crayon update ready until tomorrow night -- I'm thinking I'll make it a special Father's Day piece (like last year's Splinter article, except it'll be a tribute to another fictional "father") -- so keep an eye out for that. Ja!

-posted by Wes | 12:54 pm | Comments (14)
  • Jesus says:

    WTH is wrong with anime? I understand how many anime tones and jokes TT has but...I mean to hate a whole medium...isn't that kind of elitist? There's a good amount of shitty anime(Now more than ever OMFG Japan stop making animes based on dating sims or girl harems!) but there's a good amount of really great ones. Some of my favorites actually originate from the 80s. Wes has mentioned some nice gems. It's not right to completely hating a whole medium without really giving it a chance.

  • Mickey says:

    Azumanga Daioh! Azumanga Daioh! OMG. I am SO forever indebted to you for turning me onto this.

    And regarding "Grave Of The Fireflies," I recently saw a picture of a young Japanese boy with his dead younger brother strapped to his back and thought INSTANTLY of GotF.

  • Greg says:

    The problem is, with the creation of Pokemon, anime is presented in the states as a more kiddy medium than American toons. Those are dumb. And I know Wes will agree with me to an extent, but I also find Dragonball Z and Sailor Moon insanly dumb for their annoying characters and corny plots. In the case of Dragonball Z, there was also a pattern in which nothing happens for a dozen episodes, than there's a big climatice battle that lasts another dozen episodes, rinse repeat. Those kind of things don't help the general opinion on anime.

    Another big problem is that there's just not a lot available. On TV, your best bet is usually late night on Cartoon Network, and while those cartoons are slightly better than the daytime crap, it still suffers from bad storylines and horrible dubbing (I much prefer subtitles).

    I've been trying to expand my anime experience, but based on where I live, where nobody sells any within a hundred miles, it ain't easy. One of my friends, an avid anime collector, recently moved away, but I managed to view some things before she left. I caught a few humor animes (animas? animeis?), like Excel Saga (by Wes's suggestion), and a few more serious outings, like the less-from-perfect-but-a-lot-better-than-most-of-the-stuff-I've-seen, Vampire Hunter D.

    There's still a lot more that I want to see. I saw Kiki's Delivery Service, which I immediatly didn't recognize as anime since it was so human and not goofy like most CN anime, and I liked it enough to look up Studio Ghibi. Based on the plots and pictures and the reviews, there's so much I want to see from them, perticularly from director Hayao Miyazaki. Movies likes Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, Porco Rosso and the upcoming Howl's Moving Castle.

    The fact is, anime can be just about anything. Anime isn't the plot or goofy characters or nosebleeds or bouncing breasts in transformation sequences, it's mearly animated films from Japan.

  • Wes says:

    Whoa, we're dissing DBZ and Sailor Moon now?! Those shows have my heart! I actually used to run a pretty big DB[Z][GT] website with a few other folks... nowhere near as big as SC is now (content-wise, that is; it probably had about as many visitors, maybe more, and this was in 1995), but pretty big. And Sailor Moon was pretty much my "first"... I've still got tons of eps I taped off of television on VHS tapes in the basement. Mmm... Jupiter...

    But yeah, anime can be just about anything. And I guess that may be true about its availability, though I've had no experience with that -- with Best Buy being nearby and with bookstores all selling manga (not to mention the 'net), I've never had a problem getting my hands on the stuff.

  • Josh says:

    I fell in love with alot of anime before even entering the first grade.

    Starting to watch Dragonball in the middle of the series made me want to watch more of it. I saw the movie my neighbor Totoro. Me and my brothers would watch Battle of the Planets and then put towels on our backs like capes and pretend we were them. Two more favorites that I watched as a kid. Super Campiones (Captain Tsubasa) and Caballeros del Zodiaco (Saint Seya). Spanish dubbed anime is great.
    Later I was introduced into Dragonball Z, when Goku was bearly landing on Namek. FUCKKK "its the same people from dragonball?!". Fell in love.
    In one channel there was an hour block devoted to both series Dragonball then DBZ, I was able to enjoy both series through 4th grade. Then in 5th grade Dbz started showing on Cartoon Network ;(
    Also at that time Pokemon came out on gameboy and I liked it. SHUTUP!

  • Wes says:

    Man, you make me feel old. 🙂

  • Jesus says:

    Yeah I just felt really old too Wes. DBZ was alright it was interesting fighting series concept, much better than current hit in american audiences, Naruto, or as me and others call it, "r00to". Myself and my friend Sherwin actually discussed the flaws r00to has over DBZ quite recently. We spoke about the charming points of DBZ like its villians like Cell and how the universe was a much more original concept than r00to is. I can't stand Naruto and its NARUTARDs. It sux. The author tried to make it the next DBZ and failed. It's ratings aren't so great and has been getting its ass kicked by my favorite series "Konjiki no Gash Bell!!". Which I feel has much better writing and more interesting characters than r00to.

  • Wes says:

    Is that the series currently airing on Cartoon Network as "Zach Bell", Jesus? Granted, I've only seen the dubbed CN offering, but I can't get into that show at all.

    Never saw Naruto either, but the freaknerds were fucking in LOVE with it -- which is reason enough to stay away. 😛

  • NJWT says:

    But what exactly is the defining characteristic of animie - is it just visual?

  • Wes says:

    Actually, it's origin -- the term "anime", as we use it in the US, simply denotes cartoons from Japan (though this is sometimes expanded to include cartoons from other Asian nations as well). However, as I understand it, in Japan the term has no such distinction (being simply a shortened form of the English word "animation") and is used to refer to cartoons originating from any country.

  • the Jax says:

    hey, I like Naruto! it does commit the sins of too many flashbacks and long drawn-out battles, but I find it hard to get into a lot of anime and this one grabbed me right away. He's like a Bart Simpson ninja. I too liked the Pokemon games, even though the TV show was crap. It only did us the favor of flushing Power Rangers.

  • Josh says:

    Hey I like Power Rangers 🙁
    and it still lives. Current series - Power Rangers SPD (Space Police Delta)
    Power Rangers is actually from Japan too. I don't watch it as much as I used to but I still like it.
    I think Naruto is actually a very good anime. It has comedy, drama, and action. I agree there are some people that are ..obsessed. But so what?

  • Sarah says:

    When I was about 7 or 8 there was a 'Little Women' anime series on HBO . I loved it. I used to watch it every morning before school. I believe several other classic books have been adapted through anime.

  • Jazz says:

    i like Teen Titans! and Azumanga Dioh....heehee

    and i like DBZ....its only DBZ, tho

    hm....and i like Pokemon on Gameboy....altho, not the show itself, its too stupid, and the ppl keep changing and its just too damn fruity for me.

    i dont think u mentioned those, but....Josh rote those, right?? thh...

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