Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 23, 2005
Category: Miscellany

What's up with some of you people not having comments on your blogs? Or even posted e-mails -- like a certain Miz Omni? You've gotta have one or the other so I can tell you stuff! Sometimes I've got stuff to say about posts -- like the one about the intelligent telepathic parrot! -- that I can't say out in the open, so at the very least I could write something in the comments about how I actually wrote a story about a really smart parrot once, so e-mail me if you want to read it too, 'cause I think you'd like it! But then if I write that here, everyone will want to read it!

Ha, yeah right! Nobody wants to read my stories. 😛

Speaking of which, there'll be more Scary-Crayon fiction in the near future, since I'll be posting a few more older stories over there -- and even posting some here on the blog, like that one about the lesbian high school girls (which doesn't strike me as being odd enough to warrant being added to the SC content library). I'm also planning to add an About Me page to the blog -- nothing quite as thorough as Becky's, but you should learn a few interesting things you didn't already know about me. 🙂

Anyway, in case you missed the previous post, hit up the SC main page for the latest two updates. Dig you later, minna-san!

-posted by Wes | 9:14 am | Comments (14)
  • Lori says:

    What's the point of having a blog without comments? I don't get it.

  • Wes says:

    Not everyone craves attention as much as we do, Lori. 🙂

  • Lori says:

    I'm sure I have no idea what you are talking about. *cough*

  • Becky says:

    But Wes, how else could we have a thorough conversation on peanut butter? 😉 I agree in that it i odd to not have comments, though I can understand it with some of the big fish or celebrities who get hundreds or thousands of them.

  • Wes says:

    Yeah, but I'm not talking about Brad Pitt's or Sandra Bullock's blog here (!) -- just regular bloggers 'n' webmasters like you and me. 🙂

    Hey, speaking of our conversations, did you get that last e-mail I sent? I was afraid to send a followup in case you found it offensive!

  • Josh says:

    hey, I want to read your stories 😮

  • Becky says:

    Which one? THe Chun Li one? A He Said/She Siad would be interesting with you, but you never see "regular" movies in the theatre, so then what?

  • Wes says:

    Yeah, the Chun Li one! I only noticed that it might have been kinda awkward and/or inappropriate after I sent the e-mail and noticed a slight bit of drool on my keyboard... 😉 I mean, that was a really great drawing!

    And yeah, you're right, I rarely see anything in the theater, let alone "regular" movies. I'm gonna try to get out this weekend to see Land of the Dead -- I mean, it's Romero! -- but even there I may fail. I think that would make for a pretty good He Said/She Said review, though, if you ever got out to see it, seeing as how you're not really a fan of zombie movies or Romero's holy trilogy and I... am. 🙂

  • Lori says:

    Hey Wes, while I'm in Austin, I'm going to hear Bruce Campbell speak and screen a new movie he directed. I didn't even know who he was when my friend invited me, but what the hell.

  • Wes says:

    Interesting, Lori -- I thought everyone knew Bruce Campbell! I mean, I don't worship the guy like a lot of people do (I think the Evil Dead films are okay at best), but I certainly know who the guy is. And yeah, there was an article about him in the local paper the other day about his new movie and book and so forth. He's got a lot going on.

  • Becky says:

    Let me know if you see the movie and maybe I will, too, for shits n grins. I wasn't offended by the e-mail, I was just bogged down from traveling, and wasn't really sure what to say back -- "yeah, she's hot.?" hehe. Seriously, it takes a lot to offend me.

  • Omni says:

    If your experience online was that, for every nice comment or email, you'd get 20 nasty ones, you'd refuse to have commenting or a posted email addy on your blog too, unless you were a real glutton for punishment.

    Even if I could be assured of only nice folks like Wes being able to respond, there'd always be someone disagreeing with something, and the stress of having to deal politely with even the gentlest disagreement would ruin the blogging experience for me.

  • Wes says:

    I see. Are you serious? I wish I could generate that volume of responses... even nasty ones would be an indicator that people were reading, not to mention that I'd always have something to address and/or ridicule. 🙂

    So send me your e-mail privately, then. 🙂

  • Omni says:

    Yes, I'm serious... and don't wish for a pack of trolls, because they'll drive all your regular posters away and turn your blog into a wasteland.

    If I give you my email addy, what'll you give ME? Have you got any nudie pics? 😉

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