Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 23, 2005
OMG, Scary-Crayon updated!
Category: SC Updates

Yep, two new short pieces for you today -- Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #44 and A Crayon Haiku #32. Warning on that second one -- if you can't stand the sight of blood, steer clear. I mean, it's not quite as gross as the (VIEW AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!) 19th haiku, but I dunno. Some people may be disgusted. Hot Flash #44 also involves some blood, but it's a drawing, so you should be able to handle it. Enjoy!

Also, you might've noticed that SC updates have been a little sparse these past few weeks! That's for a few reasons, the main one being that I've been working on a couple of other projects and don't have the time to update SC every other day in addition to clocking time on them. However, another big reason is that in observing the SC stats during the time in between updates, it seems like SC actually gets more traffic in the interim and maintains a pretty constant flow of unique visitors -- which, in addition to the page view stats, suggests to me that people come, check out the latest pieces, and then use the downtime to catch up on old stuff they might've missed. And I like that! So I may even officially drop down to one update a week and see how that goes. Also, when I get the SC blog up and running, which I plan on updating fairly regularly (like an average of four or five times a week), that'll give folks something else on the site to check out in between official content updates.

And I've been fucking exhausted and tired and hating life, so that's naturally played a role in the lack of updates as well. 😛 Anyway, gotta get to bed so I can be up in less than five hours. Ja!

-posted by Wes | 12:35 am | Comments (1)
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