Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 5, 2004
Scary-Crayon Updated!
Category: SC Updates

It's a little late, I know, so to make up for it you have my apologies and TWO new pieces -- A Crayon Haiku #14 and... oh bloody hell... a cover review of the September 2003 issue of "O, The Oprah Magazine". Enjoy! If you can.

In other news, Ice Anvil Online is back from its recent hiatus with a review of S.I.C.K. (Serial Insane Clown Killer). Also, Matt of X-Entertainment gives us an update on his fish in the X-E blog. They look like neat little fellers. 🙂

So to reiterate, SC's been updated with A Crayon Haiku #14 and a cover review of "O, The Oprah Magazine", September 2003 issue. Ugh and damnit.

-posted by Wes | 3:51 am | Comments (0)
June 4, 2004
Raw eggs in oyster shells with Raul Julia.
Category: Dreams … Meme

Okay, should have another Scary-Crayon article for you sometime later today, and believe me when I tell you that it's shaping up to be really scary stuff. But to temper the horror, I'll probably throw up another Crayon Haiku as well.

So, how 'bout them dreams? I just had a rather strange one. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 6:02 am | Comments (0)
June 2, 2004
Cyber Shredder artwork! And computer trouble.
Category: Art

So I'm having a bit of a problem with the computer right now. Tried to run the virus scanner but after the thing ran for about an hour and a half (no viruses found thus far) and had still gone almost nowhere I opened up the window to find that it had wasted most of that time scanning some temporary internet files, yet these files didn't go away when I cleared the IE cache. Grrr! So I stopped the virus scanner to go get rid of these -- apparently I'm supposed to run Disk Cleanup to get rid of them -- and Disk Cleanup won't run. It starts, but then it hangs while scanning old files for compression purposes so that it can tell me how much space I'd stand to gain by letting it do its cleaning work. I DON'T CARE; I JUST WANT THE FILES GONE! So yeah, it's pissing me off. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 6:46 pm | Comments (0)
June 1, 2004
Quiz from the diner.
Category: Meme

It's time for another quiz!

Take the quiz: "Which type of pie are you?"


Uh...? You are HUMBLE PIE!

Dark, shady, depressed, all qualities of either someone with low esteem,
or someone who just ate an anchovy pizza before taking this quiz.
No one quite understands you, which give you a maniac GENIUS aura.
You have more hidden talents than the world around you, or so it seems.
Flaunt your talents to get the appreciation that you deserve.

Well alrighty then. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 12:01 pm | Comments (0)
May 31, 2004
Scary-Crayon Updated! and quick blog stuff.
Category: SC Updates

It's a little late, but hopefully it's worth it -- the Madballs once again grace Scary-Crayon with their presence in this review of Madballs: Escape From Orb! Read, laugh, enjoy. And if you're interested in dipping into the archives, check out the Madballs' first appearance on the site in the review of The Madballs History of the World. Freaky fun for everyone! (^O^)

Blog-related stuff: As you may or may not have noticed, I finally got around to adding Sarah and Estella to the links -- I only republished the main page when I did it, so only that and the post pages created since then have those two links, but whenever I do a full republish the rest'll have 'em too, unless I can figure out how to modify archive page templates, in which case none of 'em will have links. And if you happen to be visiting with Mozilla, you might've noticed that the "WES" favicon shows up now for the blog (at least on the main page). w00t.

Oh, and Greg and Brent have posted their answers to the FIVE QUESTIONS, so go have a look. Fun answers all around!

So to recap, Madballs: Escape From Orb! and, um, other stuff. Assuming I don't change my mind out of utter terror, the next SC review will take us back to a very dark place... a place to which I never wanted to return again. Be afraid...

-posted by Wes | 1:36 am | Comments (0)