Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 1, 2004
Quiz from the diner.
Category: Meme

It's time for another quiz!

Take the quiz: "Which type of pie are you?"


Uh...? You are HUMBLE PIE!

Dark, shady, depressed, all qualities of either someone with low esteem,
or someone who just ate an anchovy pizza before taking this quiz.
No one quite understands you, which give you a maniac GENIUS aura.
You have more hidden talents than the world around you, or so it seems.
Flaunt your talents to get the appreciation that you deserve.

Well alrighty then. In other news, Mickey's answers to the FIVE QUESTIONS are up! Check 'em out here. Really great answers, especially the one to #5 -- now I have to go find that song. After I do, I'll know a whopping TWO Suzanne Vega songs! The only one I'm familiar with at this point is "The Diner"... but then, that's one of the classics. Also I had a music teacher in middle school who pretty much played it from the beginning to the end of every single class period. He really liked that song. So now I hear it in my dreams. ONO THERE IT GOES AGAIN!

Also, let's all say hello to Sydney, previously known as Candeee. Hi, Sydney. 🙂

Oh, and to answer Mickey's question about favicons, we'll defer to

A Favicon is a multi-resolution image included on nearly all professional developed sites. The Favicon allows the webmaster to further promote their site, and to create a more customized appearance within a visitor?s browser. Often, the Favicon reflects the look and feel of the web site or the organization?s logo.

So yeah, the Blog of Wes and Scary-Crayon are hardly professionally developed, but I made favicons for 'em. If you want one, you need an image editor that'll let you make 16 x 16 pixel icon files. I used two programs in conjunction -- my usual image editor to make the image (which I saved as a gif), and then IrfanView to convert that image to an icon (*.ico) file. And then I uploaded it to my root directory. Had to add a line of code to the blog header to force it to show here (since the blog appears on a subdomain of the SC webspace), but that wasn't any trouble. Does that answer your question, dear? 😉

And that's all I've got for now. Ja!

-posted by Wes | 12:01 pm | Comments (0)
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