Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 5, 2005
"Nothing, nothing"
Category: Serious

There's a lump in the center of my chest. It throbs slightly and slides up and down; it creeps into the base of my throat and then eases itself out again, as if whatever controls its motion is trying to decide whether it wants to see me vomit my heart out or not. Yes, it could be funny, but does the joke justify the mess? And the audience may not see the humor of it.

My gut feels icky; cold and hollow, but not entirely, as if the walls of it are coated with that slime that fills the gel-packs one freezes and stuffs in lunch boxes to keep orange juice cool. Outside, a squirrel darts across the driveway. No, a rabbit. I've never seen a squirrel that moved so fast or with such purpose with such a linear course. No pauses, no deviations -- a straight jet, almost as if the thing had been skewered and yanked across the concrete on a metal rod. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 6:40 pm | Comments (4)
June 4, 2005
Category: Miscellany

Extremely awkward day today -- spent a good chunk of it with people who in all likelihood will never see me again. What does one say in that kind of situation, especially when it may not be clear to the other person(s) that this will be the final get-together? In this case, at least, featuring me. The people I was with see each other all the time -- so much so that I didn't even feel like I was there today, which kind of made it even worse. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 11:24 pm | Comments (5)
June 3, 2005
Network TV!
Category: Miscellany

So I'm watching "Blind Date", which I haven't seen in a while. Pretty interesting (and amusing) show, and I recommend that all of you losers out there in Blogland who keep failing in your dates watch often and study well! 😀 But seriously, it's wild. This episode has a flabby, uncouth UFC fighter named Wes (Wes!) on a chemistry-less with this ex-stripper lingerie model who looks like a certain author I know. And I watched "A Current Affair" tonight as well! I didn't even know that show was still on. Christian Slater sure leads an interesting life... and with religious group leaders having the ability to seduce their spiritual charges with a mere snap of their fingers, maybe some of y'all out there should become ordained ministers and start your own denominations! R-D-R-R!

Also, "Just Shoot Me" and "Suddenly Susan" are about the only sitcoms I can tolerate these days. I have no idea why that is (though I suspect that it has something to do with the gorgeous Brooke Shields in the latter case). Any guesses?

G'night and have a great weekend, minna-san!

P.S. You NYC people should really go on "Blind Date"! I would! And am I the only one who kinda wants to see The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants? Should I have kept that to myself? I think perhaps I should have.

-posted by Wes | 11:55 pm | Comments (6)
A movie meme!
Category: Meme

Two posts back-to-back! Can you tell I'm bored here? 😛

So a week or so ago the lovely Becky Pretz took part in a pass-it-on movie meme deal (in that post, she also took the music meme I posted the other day). I wasn't formally tapped by anyone, but it looked interesting, so I'm passing the magic stick to myself! w00t! So let's go -- it's meme time! Not to be confused with Me-Me, the cheetah with a craving for baby elephant flesh. (You'll get that reference when I review Barbara Gowdy's The White Bone on Scary-Crayon next week! :)) (more...)

-posted by Wes | 1:15 pm | Comments (8)
F'n adware and viruses!
Category: Miscellany

Writing this one from work, where I just finished a lengthy two-day battle with adware and viruses on the office computer. I'm still not even sure it was a victory, but at least ads aren't popping up every fifteen seconds! And I got over my reluctance to install software on this computer, so things should be a lot more secure on here with me running Firefox instead of f'n IE. Because I knew IE was shit, but holy hell I'd never actually experienced anything like what happened yesterday! (more...)

-posted by Wes | 12:37 pm | Comments (5)