Last night I went to a DC goth club with an old friend and had a pretty good time! We pretty much sat at the bar and talked while I got really drunk and kissed her hand at one point and made the occasional slurred attempt to not-quite-seriously-but-still hit on her -- which she deftly parried; touche, mes ami! -- but I'm sober now and it's all good, I think. Silly drunken Wes! It's not totally my fault, though -- she was hot on that dance floor! The enthusiasm about the candy dish was adorable, too. Also, she kinda saved the night, because if she hadn't written down the address to the place we would've looked for it all night or eventually gone somewhere else. Seriously -- I showed up to the area early to see if I could find the place and wandered unsuccessfully for about 45 mins! Good looking out there, Sheriff. 😉 (more...)
Okay. I've said it before and I'll say it again -- what's with all the dating anxiety?
Seriously. The Anonymous Blogger is whining about his lack of a relationship. Dawn's upset because God hasn't sent her an angel in the flesh. All The Anonymous Blogette ever writes about is dating. WHO BLOODY CARES ABOUT DATING? They do, obviously. But why? (more...)
Hey all -- sorry I haven't been posting many personal entries lately. Things kinda suck and not in an interesting way -- it's just more of the same general shit and I'm getting pretty tired of it. Work at the bookstore is grating on my soul, and what's more apparently the store's budget was cut and now they can only schedule me to work two days out of the week. So while I'll have more time off now to clear my head and hopefully seek out other work, and since I didn't make too much to begin with it won't be all that big a deal financially speaking, it still comes as something of a blow. It's a little insulting, actually. Since I've started working at the bookstore, no less than two associates have been promoted to assistant manager in less than a month from the day they started working there, whereas I've been there since June and haven't even gotten my three month evaluation with its accompanying raise. There's other stuff that bothers me but I won't go into it. Suffice it to say that I feel like I'm being shat on bigtime and I'm just sick of it all and tired of this life. (more...)
I was just eating some cheesy fries when I noticed a strand of cheese hovering conspicuously in the air... and then it detached itself from the fries and flew top-speed towards my monitor! The static electricity pulled the cheese right off of the fries!
The degauss button has since been pressed.
Things were a little scary there for a while, but I think I'm okay now. Apparently I didn't mention that I was having trouble breathing in the last post, but that was also one of my many unpleasant symptoms... several folks have suggested maybe that it was a food allergy, and admittedly the thought crossed my mind (it did feel a little reminiscent of the time I got food poisoning, though with more swelling and breathing problems and less vomiting), but I hadn't eaten anything, so I ruled that out. Not like it would've mattered once I was on my deathbead! So after lying down, switching to frantic mouth-breathing when my nostrils became unable to take in much of anything, and apparently drifting in and out of consciousness, I found myself able to breathe again. (more...)