Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
March 28, 2005
Damn! There's work to be done.
Category: Miscellany

Okay, so the conversion has been made, but not painlessly -- apparently I neglected to apply the v1.51 hotfix to the import tool, which means that while the old Blogger posts do show up here, they're not listed as having an author! Which means that I'll have to individually republish every fucking last one of the posts in order to fix that. I've also added some new categories, so I can add old posts to those while I'm at it. But, natch, publishing every post is going to take forever and I'll probably just not care to do all of it. We'll see. Ugh.

Also, there's apparently a lot of code in the old posts that isn't XHTML valid -- natch, since I wasn't really shooting for that, with most of my HTML being in the realm of 4.0 -- and while I'd like for most of the newer posts on this blog to be compliant (something about that damned validation link that came in the sidebar has made me want to appease it -- if they'd had a donut validator there I probably would've shipped them a box of Krispy Kremes), there's no bloody way in hell I'm editing all of the other posts to fix that. The fact that post titles are links to individual post pages in this new blog and that I actually included links in old post titles, since they weren't hotlinks, is also causing a few problems -- so I'll probably do something about some of those instances as well.

Well, it's raining outside, so it's not like I was going to be skipping around or anything. Ja!

-posted by Wes | 11:56 am | Comments (2)
Okay, I think we're set!
Category: Miscellany

YES! WESOTERIC is ready to go -- layout's done and double done, though of course I'll be tweaking things and adding stuff from time to time. Anyway, now all I've got to do is import these Blogger entries over and the move will be complete! New entries will be posted there from this point onward. SO I'LL SEE YOU THERE!!!

-posted by Wes | 10:06 am | Comments (2)
March 23, 2005
Hey, maybe someday I can be President...?
Category: Miscellany

Okay, I just had my interview... and while I hope that it actually went better than I think it did, I'm not sure it went too well. Granted, I was nervous as all hell, and I hope they take that into account when assessing the conversation, but man! To my mind, I sounded a lot like President Bush talking about "fiscal sanity" -- rambling on and on and saying the same things and not really driving home a clear point. But then, he got reelected, so maybe the American people who work at the magazine headquarters will see fit to give me a chance. I've no doubt that I could do the job -- and do it well at that -- I'm just not sure that I convinced them of that during this phone interview. I mean, I've got the writing and editing part down, but admittedly I'm not the ubergamer that I once was, with my hardware being too old and my schedule being too packed and my income being too low to allow me to enjoy the latest and greatest titles at length. I do try to kinda keep up with what's coming out, though, and I'd love to get back into the swing of things! Among other things, Resident Evil 4 looks pretty sweet, and I can see very easily getting hooked on one of these MMORPGs. Anyway, I think that my lack of total immersion in the gaming world at the moment might have made appear me less attractive as a potential writer/editor. Sigh.

There's always Scary-Crayon, though! For my devoted readers, here's a preview: Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #34. Enjoy, and thanks for all of your support and well-wishes. 🙂

-posted by Wes | 2:48 pm | Comments (0)
March 21, 2005
Hey, more testing.
Category: Miscellany


-posted by Wes | 11:04 pm | Comments (2)
March 20, 2005
Coming soon...
Category: Miscellany

So I registered the domain and did some file shifting and all is well, so pretty soon there should be some major changes around here. After looking over the new WordPress 1.5 improvements, I think I may implement it on both sites, using it simply for blogging purposes on Scary-Crayon and using it to control the entirety of Plus WordPress can import Blogger entries, so I shouldn't have a problem switching over. Fun times ahead, kiddies.

Pretty soon I'm also going to get started on my book. One of them, anyway -- at the moment I've got three really good book ideas kicking around in my head. Well, more like four or five, but only two or three that could reasonably be completed any time soon (the other two are like the work of years). Hell, I could finish one in a week -- or less! -- if I worked really hard on it. But I'm in no hurry. 🙂

And why doesn't anyone think I'm cute? I mean, I don't really expect them to -- we've been through that recently -- but it seems like I'm the only male employee at the bookstore who hasn't had some freakish regular swooning over him at one point or another. And it's probably better that they're not that into me, given that that would be slightly annoying and potentially uncomfortable, but first it would be flattering! I only had something even remotely close to that happen once -- back in November I was calling customers to let them know that their orders had come in and one asked me if I was "the cute guy." I said, "Probably not," whereupon the customer gave a few more details, asking if I was "the cute, short black guy." Of course, I didn't find this description flattering in the least, but rather than pulling a Ghost Dad (which, for the uninitiated, involves diving into the phone, popping out the other end, and chewing out the person on the other line), I merely responded with, "I... guess so." The woman on the other end said, "You guess so? You don't know if you're cute?" to which I responded, "It's really not something I think too much about, ma'am." And then I reiterated that she could pick up her book from the customer service desk any time during the next two weeks.

All for now. Ja!

-posted by Wes | 5:19 am | Comments (0)