Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 25, 2005
Back in MD. Woooo.
Category: Miscellany

Hey all -- as you see, I made it back to MD okay. I'll write more about the weekend later, but the short of it is that it was great! I took lots of photos (though not as many as I'd hoped to take) and will have much to say both here and on Scary-Crayon when I get the chance. In the meantime, though, you can check out the blogs of Sarah and Val, who have pictures from our Sunday ride on THE BEAST (here, here, and here)! TAB also makes mention of the dinner that followed here, following a thrilling yet fictional retelling of his epic title bout with an elderly homeless woman. Anyway, per the pic Val posted in this entry, I'm apparently not very attractive with my mouth open! Which just means that in addition to my deviated septum I have another excuse for not performing if some woman ever expects me to go down on her. Hahahahaha Wes is so funny! Ugh.

And after going into work for a half day, I've now got to finish getting ready for this interview at the local extension center in a half hour. Hope I don't blow it!

-posted by Wes | 2:16 pm | Comments (6)
July 17, 2005
What the fuck was that?!?!?
Category: Miscellany

Holy shit, I just heard something that sounded like a cat shrieking at the top of its lungs and having its chest bitten into at the same time so that the horrible sound and a huge gust of breath escaped through multiple cavities in one simultaneous and chilling rush. Either that or a child whacking a chihuahua with a mud-filled plastic accordian-like mallet. Scary stuff.

And now I'm off to bed. Sweet dreams, Wes... 🙁

-posted by Wes | 10:56 pm | Comments (0)
July 16, 2005
Weekend begins!
Category: Miscellany

To the folks with whom I was chatting last night and then suddenly disappeared, my apologies! It seems that the lack of sleep I'd been getting during the week suddenly caught up with me in a single moment. I barely remember looking away at once and stumbling over crap to climb into my bed! And then this morning I discovered that I hadn't even bothered to turn my monitor off -- which I hardly ever forget to do for fear of burning out the monitor -- to highlight the sudden nature of this compulsion to sleep. Anyway, I hope (and am pretty sure that...!) I wasn't terribly missed. And hey, I'm up awake before 6 PM, meaning I might actually get something done today! 😀


So, as promised, those two drunken mp3s from the other night -- two versions of a drunken Wes voicing a selection from Bif Naked's "Anything"! There's the singing version and then the spoken version. Both very embarrassing; I don't know why I'm posting them here! Ah well. 😛

And finally, a mancrush! I don't know about you, but I think that Gackt is bloody gorgeous. Seriously, that is one beautiful dude! On that page, I think Kyoko Fukada is pretty delectable too... but she's hardly as comely as Gackt. Sugoi!

All for now. Ja ne, minna-san!

-posted by Wes | 1:25 pm | Comments (1)
July 12, 2005
My kind of girl!
Category: Miscellany

''Well, you see, I'm really tall and violent.''

Mitsurugi Ryoko, I <3 you.

-posted by Wes | 8:53 pm | Comments (3)
July 10, 2005
I think I need a pair of fingerless gloves...
Category: Miscellany

...and tight black leather pants. Yep.

-posted by Wes | 12:03 am | Comments (6)