Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 30, 2006
I $%@#! hate my laptop screen.
Category: Miscellany

And not because of the stupid dead pixel thingy, which I've gotten pretty good at working around and not noticing. No, I despise this LCD screen because when I happen to be awake in the mornings when the darkness flees, Mister Sunshine illuminates every single tiny spot and smudge and speck of dust and lint on the goddamned thing, which moves me to commence shrieking followed by ninety-minute sessions of wiping and buffing and wiping and buffing and wiping and buffing and wiping and buffing and wiping and buffing and wiping and buffing in order to remove these horrible blemishes from my sight -- a neverending series of futile gestures because even as I continue to wipe and buff and wipe and buff and wipe and buff and wipe and buff buff buff buff buff the screen continues to acquire additional smudges (hence the repeated buffing) and collect even more tiny particles due to its irredeemably evil static field that somehow manages to attract every single vicious speck of dust or lint within a thirty-foot radius. I swear, someday this laptop is going to drive me to the edge of insanity and then send me soaring over the edge and into the distance just like Charlie Brown would have kicked that football if Lucy hadn't kept being a total bitch and moving the damned thing. Argh.

Your mission, junior inventors -- should you choose to accept it -- is to create a smudge-proof LCD screen that generates a reverse static field that actually repels dust and lint particles. Your Nobel Prize awaits.

-posted by Wes | 8:42 am | Comments (2)
June 26, 2006
Category: Linkage


Recent links of interest:

"Michael Berg: Al-Zarqawi's death is no cause for rejoicing". Given how disgusted I was with some of the blog entries and comments that followed the death of al-Zarqawi, I thought this article was somewhat encouraging.

"Beyonce Gets Served on Fur". Even if you don't agree with PETA's stance on various issues, you should sign up for the mailing list just for hilarious article links like this. PETA is wacky.

"Reason behind fatal shooting elusive". I disagree -- it's not all that elusive if you've actually seen X-Men: The Last Stand. Or if you read the article, which for some inexplicable reason goes on about neighbors of the gunman being agitated by the family's initial lack of curtains or window shades. Shit, I'd be homicidal too if I lived on a street with people who gave a crap about being able to see an ironing board through my front window. And I think this is the first article I've ever read that describes the victim of a shooting as having been "lightning fast." He apparently wasn't faster than a speeding bullet, though. 🙁

"crabs". He's got a mouth full of crabs.


-posted by Wes | 2:25 am | Comments (2)
June 24, 2006
Excerpted from life
Category: Art

So admittedly I haven't been working on the memoir as much lately as I'd like. "Work" has picked up a bit, and then I've kind of been sidetracked with watching a lot of downloaded foreign TV shows and DVD purchases and whatnot, so yeah. The air conditioning is also out, so I feel kind of hot and icky and don't really want to do anything, and I opened a window, which helps with the stuffiness, but things are still pretty muggy in here. The chirping birds are getting on my fucking nerves and last night people in the neighborhood were outside yelling at each other at 2 AM. I haven't been sleeping well. YAY EXCUSES!

Anyway, here's an excerpt from the memoir (if you need to, click the image below to see the large print version):

Shopping for nooses

So in addition to hopefully working on the memoir a bit this weekend and getting another SC article up, I'm thinking I want to write another short story. Nothing for submission to magazines or anything -- fairly convinced that avenue is a waste of time; nobody wants to pay for my stuff -- but I might post it here or on SC if I ever get around to it. But right now I'm so hot that I just want to take a cold shower in lieu of going swimming because I do not have access to a pool. But I wish I had a bottle of chlorine so I could breathe in the fumes and pretend I'm in the wave pool at Wild World.

Excerpt from an IRC convo about anime:

<Kyusaku> the lead voice actress actually had to go on maternity leave around the last 13 eps
<Kyusaku> and her replacement kinda sucked
<Wesper> whatever she could totally have done her part from the hospital
<Kyusaku> seriously
<Wesper> just have lots of scenes with her opening heavy doors

And that's all for now. Ja ne!

-posted by Wes | 1:57 pm | Comments (2)
Category: Art



And here are the colorless pencils, which is the pic's original form:


First pencil drawing I've done in ages. Maybe since '01. Yikes.

For those of you unfamiliar with THE CAT WITH HANDS (for shame!), go watch the freaky video.

Previous cats with hands can be found here and here. Fun. Ja!

-posted by Wes | 12:58 am | Comments (0)
June 20, 2006
Category: Serious

Have you ever had a dialogue, experience -- et cetera -- that left you wholly convinced that you are not long for this world: and that this is not such a bad thing, because there is not and never will be any place where you will ever be welcome, that you never have and never will belong among any lands or people anywhere in this life?

I believe the entirety of my time here has been comprised of such incidents.

-posted by Wes | 10:08 pm | Comments (2)