Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 19, 2006
All hail Buraiking!
Category: Art … SC Updates

And for those of you who've been missing your Scary-Crayon fix, do feel free to pop over and check out yesterday's Father's Day tribute to Buraiking Boss. In addition to being an interesting piece (I hope you'll agree!), it gave me an excuse to draw the guy (click the image below for a slightly larger version of the pic). And that's always fun, yes indeedy. 🙂

All hail Buraiking!

Recent SC artwork has also included an actual crayon rendition of Billie Piper and a Dalek. Drawing stuff with crayons is kinda messy.

Until next time, minna-san! 😛

-posted by Wes | 4:58 am | Comments (2)
June 16, 2006
Category: Audio

So I've got this microphone working and found a decent sound recording program to use (Audacity, which I'm not sure I like as much as Wavepad on the desktop, but hey, Sourceforge for the win). Still, one thing I don't like about the setup is that I have to hold this microphone up while recording. Contrast this with the built-in monitor mic on the desktop that just kind of allowed me to sit there and talk -- much more conducive for audio reviews and general wackiness and whatnot.

So then I had the positively BRILLIANT idea of hooking the monitor mic up to the laptop. I mean, I'm still sitting in the same place (the laptop is where the keyboard was before) and I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work, so it seems like a good idea, right? Right? Yeah, well. There weren't any explosions or anything, but here's what I ended up recording despite the fact that my voice sounds very little like a fuzzy Spanish radio broadcast. Your guess is as good as mine.

Maybe I can find a clip or something to clip the other mic to my shirt for recording goodness. Except I don't always wear a shirt when I'm sitting at the computer. In fact, I happen to be shirtless at this very moment. Yep. Try not to drool on your keyboard when you think about that.

-posted by Wes | 8:32 pm | Comments (0)
aljdaskdlkjfasd annoyance
Category: Miscellany

Every fucking month, Windows XP bugs me with an update for some built-in malicious software removal tool thingy. Then, after I comply and say I don't want to reboot until later, it interrupts whatever I'm doing to nag nag nag me EVERY FIFTEEN GODDAMNED MINUTES until I finally agree to restart the computer. Windows 2000 never did this. Hell, even Suuupa Xtreme Blue Screen Enhanced Windows 98 never went this far. I seriously think Windows XP is going out of its way to drive me irreversibly insane.

If this malicious software removal tool program actually did what it purports to do, I would have no fucking operating system. 👿

-posted by Wes | 4:51 pm | Comments (2)
June 15, 2006
I'm a terrible singer, but...
Category: Audio … Dreams here for my best attempt to reproduce a song I overheard in a dream last night, or at least what I can remember of it. (The recording is less than 20 seconds long, so hopefully you won't find it to be too painful.) I'm thinking of trying to flesh it out and turn it into something for Crayon Poetry Corner.

Other things that happened in the dream -- I was in one of my old high school classrooms at the end of the day with two fellow students, neither of whom I have thought about in years and one of whom I couldn't and can't even remember by name (so to make up for it in the dream, I constantly referred to the other one by name). The nameless one was trying to give me these two heaping styrofoam containers of french fries and marinated shrimp and egg fried rice she said she'd acquired for me from fancy restaurants, but seeing as how the fries had the words "Burger King" written on them (which is weird, because I've never seen a fry from Burger King or anywhere else that had the restaurant name somehow burned onto its surface) I had my doubts about their origin. In any case, I couldn't carry both containers, so I was trying to get out of there with only one -- the fried rice container -- which made her incredibly sad because she wanted me to have both so I had to try to convince her that I wasn't trying to insult her by taking only one of them. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 2:47 pm | Comments (2)
LJ Recycling II!
Category: Miscellany

Here's another recycled LJ picture meme for the masses. This one entailed me allowing commenters to request one (or two) photographs they wanted to see of me, my environment, etc. -- frex, Greg asked me to post a picture of my front door. And then at the end I tacked on a few extra photos just because. It was kinda fun, so if there's anything you especially want to see, do let me know in the comments. Anyway, here are the pics from that meme along with the attendant explanations. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 6:40 am | Comments (2)