Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 14, 2006
A new audio post and lots of other stuff...
Category: Audio

I happened to find an old PC microphone lying around, so here's an audio post I recorded last night. Admittedly it took me several tries to get this down as I don't have any terribly capable recording software on the laptop yet and therefore ended up using the default Sound Recorder program in Windows with its bloody 60-second limit. If you've got any suggestions, I'm all ears -- I'm not looking to really pay for anything and I don't need the program to do much more than record my voice (though amplification, noise reduction, the ability to cut and paste, and other such features would be nice), so freeware programs are preferred. Thanks! (more...)

-posted by Wes | 1:30 pm | Comments (1)
June 13, 2006
LJ Recycling!
Category: Miscellany

Okay, so since occasionally I post memes and games and such to my otherwise neglected LiveJournal, last week I did a thingy in which I posted miscellaneous non-DVD screencaps and asked readers to guess what media the images were from or make up their own humorous titles a la the faux answers people come up with at trivia nights. Naturally, the real answers proved terribly elusive (one person did get the Japanese Dark Water and another had some pretty funny joke answers), but that was expected. 🙂 Anyway, I'm reposting the screencaps and answers here for fun. How many would you have gotten? Read on to find out! (more...)

-posted by Wes | 10:00 am | Comments (2)
June 9, 2006
For the record...
Category: Miscellany

ECW -- Extreme Championship Wrestling -- is not science fucking fiction.

-posted by Wes | 10:06 pm | Comments (3)
No one knows what it's like...
Category: Miscellany

''This one is lusting after me!''

Alex Garner draws a fantastic Illyria.

-posted by Wes | 10:19 am | Comments (1)
June 6, 2006
Happy Devil Day!
Category: Miscellany

What the title says. I don't have a whole lot to add, so here are a few words on a couple of things I've seen recently...

X-Men: The Last Stand was pretty lame. Like, lame in that really general and boring way that precludes me from saying anything really interesting about just how lame it was. Unlike X2, it wasn't insulting to my intelligence. (By the way, I find it pretty amazing that so many critics have said it pales in comparison, since it was waaay better than that film -- but then, a 2-minute short film depicting a dog taking a shit would be more engaging and less idiotic than X2.) So with the notable exceptions of the exceedingly pointless and lackluster back-to-back "deaths" of two major characters, the totally uncharacteristic assholishness displayed by Professor Xavier, and Halle Berry stinking up every scene that featured her, I can't really pick it apart for anyone's benefit or amusement. I probably would've been able to if it'd been longer -- and admittedly the film did feel somewhat unfinished -- but the shorter length and according lack of extended shitty scenes were probably the only things that kept it from being as bad as X2. Still, I kinda hate you if you liked this movie. Please have better taste in films in the future. 🙁

Ayakashi ~ Japanese Classic Horror

And then, in addition to some pretty strange and obscure animes (one of which I fully intend to review on Scary-Crayon very soon), I started watching "Ayakashi ~ Japanese Classic Horror" yesterday. It's an eleven-episode horror series based on a few tales from Japanese folklore. In addition to being neat and engaging stuff, the fansubbing is exceedingly thorough, to the point that the group that subbed the anime even included pdf files full of historical notes and explanations with the download. Very impressive. A lot of details in the show remind me of some of the stories I read during a Japanese religion course I took in college, which is also cool. Kinda makes me want to try my hand at rewriting some classic myths myself... if I ever finish this memoir and other current projects, that is. 🙂

All for now, then. Until next time!

-posted by Wes | 7:56 pm | Comments (0)