Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
August 7, 2005
This realization depresses me further.
Category: Miscellany

Am I really almost 24? Amazing. And what have I accomplished? Nothing.

-posted by Wes | 3:53 am | Comments (7)
August 6, 2005
Spell it: L-O-S-E-R
Category: Miscellany

No, really, how does one not get a job one essentially already has? And with the same organization, at that?! I must be the biggest fucking loser on the face of the planet.

Okay, I'm finished now.

-posted by Wes | 8:58 pm | Comments (2)
Add another failure to the list.
Category: Miscellany

So I just found out -- I didn't get the job. Given my luck, I'm not all that surprised. However, it's still pretty disappointing, seeing as how I've basically been doing that job and more since last September, give or take a couple of months! I really feel like a failure right now -- but then, I always feel like a failure, probably because I am one -- and I don't think I'll stop feeling that way until I succeed at killing myself.

-posted by Wes | 8:22 pm | Comments (0)
Category: Linkage

I thought this Penny-Arcade strip was hilarious.

-posted by Wes | 1:21 pm | Comments (1)
August 4, 2005
A pseudo-political rant.
Category: Serious

And I'm sure this has been said before, but after catching up on a couple of Dawn's recent posts today I got to thinking -- why is it that the members of the so-called "right" are so concerned with things that ultimately do not concern them? I really don't get it. People often attack me with a similar line -- "It doesn't affect you; why do you care?" -- but usually, when I hate something, it does affect me in some significant way. That's a different topic. But for this one, I really don't understand how these issues are going to have some significant impact on the lives of the people who adamantly disapprove of the "liberal" position.

There's the issue of abortion. If you don't like abortions, don't have one! Why fight against same-sex marriage rights so vehemently? It's not like same-sex couples will be enjoying their conjugal relations in your bed! And the more I think about this issue, the more I'm coming to believe that those opposing same-sex marriage must necessarily exhibit a certain bigotry or hate in maintaining their position -- and I almost wish they'd be as honest as Fred Phelps and outright state that God hates fags and so do they (!) in their crusade to keep same-sex partners from enjoying conjugal benefits.


I used to think that one could have compassion -- and even love -- for "gay" people while maintaining that they believe homosexuality is wrong. But when you tell an individual that his/her relationship with his/her beloved is detrimental to the fabric of society and the very foundations of family life -- and is, moreover, a most heinous sin and an abomination in the eyes of God -- there is no possible way you can love that person any more than you can claim to love a person while cursing and shitting on everything that that person values and holds dear. Those who oppose same-sex marriages often cite their disapproval of the lifestyle -- but the issue isn't about the so-called "lifestyle." It isn't about those guys skipping around in the restrooms of the YMCA in leather chaps with with their hairy asses open and waiting to receive loads of steaming hot baby batter in their rectal pleasure centers. It's about individuals who deeply care about each other and want to spend the rest of their lives with one another. And fuck you for trying to keep them apart.

And what's with the label of "conservative" anyway? I can see its application in the same-sex marriage case, but with respect to abortion? Repealing Roe v. Wade is decidedly anti-conservative and radical. It would result in change -- lots of change, you betcha! -- and hardly for the better; you'd have women getting abortions in back alleys with clothes hangers and intentionally falling down the stairs and drinking and smoking like crazy throughout their pregnancies just to spite the people who forced them to have babies they never wanted in the first place, and then you'd have a generation of monsters rising up against the government that forced them into being when they never should have been! And can you imagine the chaos that would result if the so-called "right" got its way and contraceptive methods were outlawed too?!? It would be insane! But it would also make for a great and horrific sci-fi novel.

Why are you trying to get into everyone's Kool-Aid, righties? It's not your home and it's not your kitchen and it's not your refrigerator and it's not your clear plastic pitcher bearing the ancient, scratched visage of Purplesaurus Rex. Leave people be, for God's sake!

-posted by Wes | 6:47 pm | Comments (15)