Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
August 4, 2005
A pseudo-political rant.
Category: Serious

And I'm sure this has been said before, but after catching up on a couple of Dawn's recent posts today I got to thinking -- why is it that the members of the so-called "right" are so concerned with things that ultimately do not concern them? I really don't get it. People often attack me with a similar line -- "It doesn't affect you; why do you care?" -- but usually, when I hate something, it does affect me in some significant way. That's a different topic. But for this one, I really don't understand how these issues are going to have some significant impact on the lives of the people who adamantly disapprove of the "liberal" position.

There's the issue of abortion. If you don't like abortions, don't have one! Why fight against same-sex marriage rights so vehemently? It's not like same-sex couples will be enjoying their conjugal relations in your bed! And the more I think about this issue, the more I'm coming to believe that those opposing same-sex marriage must necessarily exhibit a certain bigotry or hate in maintaining their position -- and I almost wish they'd be as honest as Fred Phelps and outright state that God hates fags and so do they (!) in their crusade to keep same-sex partners from enjoying conjugal benefits.


I used to think that one could have compassion -- and even love -- for "gay" people while maintaining that they believe homosexuality is wrong. But when you tell an individual that his/her relationship with his/her beloved is detrimental to the fabric of society and the very foundations of family life -- and is, moreover, a most heinous sin and an abomination in the eyes of God -- there is no possible way you can love that person any more than you can claim to love a person while cursing and shitting on everything that that person values and holds dear. Those who oppose same-sex marriages often cite their disapproval of the lifestyle -- but the issue isn't about the so-called "lifestyle." It isn't about those guys skipping around in the restrooms of the YMCA in leather chaps with with their hairy asses open and waiting to receive loads of steaming hot baby batter in their rectal pleasure centers. It's about individuals who deeply care about each other and want to spend the rest of their lives with one another. And fuck you for trying to keep them apart.

And what's with the label of "conservative" anyway? I can see its application in the same-sex marriage case, but with respect to abortion? Repealing Roe v. Wade is decidedly anti-conservative and radical. It would result in change -- lots of change, you betcha! -- and hardly for the better; you'd have women getting abortions in back alleys with clothes hangers and intentionally falling down the stairs and drinking and smoking like crazy throughout their pregnancies just to spite the people who forced them to have babies they never wanted in the first place, and then you'd have a generation of monsters rising up against the government that forced them into being when they never should have been! And can you imagine the chaos that would result if the so-called "right" got its way and contraceptive methods were outlawed too?!? It would be insane! But it would also make for a great and horrific sci-fi novel.

Why are you trying to get into everyone's Kool-Aid, righties? It's not your home and it's not your kitchen and it's not your refrigerator and it's not your clear plastic pitcher bearing the ancient, scratched visage of Purplesaurus Rex. Leave people be, for God's sake!

-posted by Wes | 6:47 pm | Comments (15)
  • Mickey says:

    Oohh, I like the pseudo-political rant! And I can't agree with you more on the issues of same-sex marriage (obviously I fully support it) and abortion (whose right is it to control a woman's body, other than the woman herself?). But then that should come as no surprise to you at all! =)

    Great post.

    But I don't get the thing about Kool Aid.

  • Becky says:

    I went over to Dawn's site and that was quite a debate. I think you made a great argument for your point, regardless of whether one agrees with it (which I do, on the social issues).

  • Jesus says:

    Boo, politics!

  • Vidiot says:

    Damn straight. (Too bad Dawn isn't interested in opinions that don't match her own.)

  • ST@N says:

    Most bigots and crybabies ignore the opinions of others when they can't get things their way.

    Here here Wes. I totally agree on both counts. I'm totally for the seperation of church and state. Making either abortion or gay marriage illegal due to Christian beliefs is total bull. We live in a nation with many diverse cultures and not everyone has the same religious beliefs. What if this nation was mostly Indians and Hinduism was the major religion? If they imposed a ban on eating beef cause the cow is sacred, does that sound very fair? ( Wes + other vegatarians/vegans need not apply. 😉 ) In a nation of choice, removing options, is one step closer to losing even more of our freedom. Righties should just leave these alone.

  • Wes says:

    Mickey: "You're all up in my Kool-Aid and don't even know the flavor!" was a popular response to someone who was nosy and spouting off about things about a person that he/she either knew nothing about or that were none of his/her business when I was growing up, so the Kool-Aid line was more/less addapted from that. 🙂

    Becky: Thanks. I would've replied to the one commenter that responded to my post, but I think I comment on Dawn's entries simply to pass time at work and to say hello to Dawn in a way, as she's too busy and popular to respond to e-mails and such these days. Ultimately, however, it's useless to comment over there, as she and her readers tend to either ignore anyone with an opposing viewpoint or completely miss the point of the counter-arguments (whether intentionally, to seemingly bolster their own positions, or otherwise) and bring in unrelated commentary or resort to harsh and insulting words in order to discredit their opponents, who automatically, in disagreeing with them, become "the left." It's pointless and ungratifying and I don't know what they're trying to achieve, especially given that many of the issues about which they're so passionate, as I've said, don't affect them in the least. It makes no sense.

    Jesus: Oh, but we must have posts like this from time to time.

    Vidiot: I know what you mean. It's too bad, because Dawn really struck me as a fascinating person when we met -- but her present online persona leaves much to be desired. It's kind of sad to me, as some of my first entries in the old Blog of Wes (which are now reprinted here on Wesoteric) were responses to Dawn's posts, back when she had (I think) fewer readers/followers and was more inclined to examine opposing viewpoints and respond with insight. However, the undercurrent of needing to be wanted and loved have always been present in her posts -- and as it seems like the best way to get the attention she craves has been to throw herself headlong into the ideology of the extreme right, even down to the ridiculous and insulting entries (with respect to many issues, one can disagree thoughtfully, but Dawn prefers to write with vindictive and snarky asides to appeal to her fanbase). I sometimes think she's aiming to be the next Ann Coulter. I don't know. But if I prayed, I'd probably say a prayer for her.

    Stan: Agreed. But there is some kind of mystery about cows, isn't there? I mean, any animal that can bring pleasure to the wicked just by being tipped over implies that we regard it with a certain awe -- just as people seem to delight in defacing works of art or vandalizing the statues of respected figures in public squares. But admittedly, I don't know too much about Hinduism other than that cows are believed to be sacred -- I will have to make a further study of it and get back to you. Perhaps our government should be based around the worship of Vishnu! 😉

  • T.A.B. says:

    Good post! Very thoughtful and insightful.

  • Vidiot says:

    Yes indeed. I liked her the first couple of times I met her in person, but her relentless craving for attention, and her unabashed self-promotion, really started to rub me the wrong way. And then she veered so far right -- like you say, in Coulter or Michelle Malkin territory -- and wingnutty, and that came along with vituperative putdowns of people with honest disagreements. (I already flamed out here.) Until she learns to foster true discussion, or argue like a grown-up, I have no use for her, no matter if she's a "petite powerhouse" or however she lauds herself these days.

  • dave says:

    Good entry,
    But isn't the abortion argument that abortion is murder? That seems to be the communication breakdown here. If an embryo is a living human being, why does the mother have the right to kill him or her?

    And there are people one the left who are fanatic about it - what's with this late term abortion? I know a few people who were born prematurely - how can you argue that they're not full human beings after 7-8 months?

    I suppose the issue here is that I'd like to hear more from the right about alternatives to abortion.

    Opposing condoms in school, for example, may result in more teen pregnancies, and therefore more abortions. Dawn has repeatedly opposed planned parenthood's attempts to open a dialog with teens about sex.

    Also, what about social programs for teen mothers - the right often opposes government subsidies for such programs. How much tax is too much if it helps prevent what some - the people objecting - consider murder?

    As for same sex marriage, I haven't heard a reasonable objection.

    As for inventing your own nickname - that's lame!

  • Wes says:

    Dave: This is by no means a complete or comprehensive argument for my positions on either of these subjects (though the comments on same-sex marriage constitute a more or less simplified version of my fuller take on that issue) -- just a rant. I wrote more fuller comments on abortion in this old entry, which contains my answer to the "abortion is murder" argument.

    As far as late-term abortions (7-8 months) go, simply extracting the kids prematurely and putting them up for adoption would be the best course of action there, I think.

    Agreed that the right needs to do more work regarding alternatives to abortion. I think it's funny that adoption is occasionally mentioned, since I get the impression that most of these people would go through Hell and back to have their own kids before adopting. Who's going to adopt all of these unwanted kids when abortion is outlawed?

    What's this about inventing one's nickname?

  • DanielleR says:

    Absolutely right. Wading through all the utter crap regarding these issues, its so refreshing to hear someone using things like the standard of reasonableness and logic to examine these kinds of issues. I can't for the life of me understand why (logically) there is such opposition to gay marriage (besides ignorance and hate), and I resent the hypocrisy of "pro-lifers". The conservative point of view would/does harm so many people and it benefits... no one.

  • dave says:

    didn't dawn invent petite powerhouse?

  • Wes says:

    Oh, that's what you meant! Yes, she did.

  • heg says:

    It is sad to see Dawn, degenerate into just another narrowminded bigot. I hope someday she will have a change of heart.

  • Skeletoncrew says:

    *day of the tentacle love*

    *homosexual love*

    *birth control love*

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