Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
August 4, 2005
Brain-Dead Mother Dies...
Category: Miscellany

...has got to be the worst headline I've ever read in a newspaper. 🙁

-posted by Wes | 1:51 pm | Comments (1)
What the hell is going on?!?!?
Category: Miscellany


Have I stepped into Bizarroworld or something?! First, I'm tiptoeing around a run-down motel in search of giant talking tentacles, one of which desires to take over the world and enslave all humanity. The other's trying to start his own rock band. Then I decided to watch a couple of GTO episodes and am treated to this unexplained ending -- people in a wedding reception start hissing and baring loads of sharp little teeth in their freakishly wide mouths. And then I decide I need to refill my glass of water, so I go down stairs to find my mother asleep and the Drew Carey Show playing on television -- except for some inexplicable reason everyone on the show is a horrible alien and the Drew Carey alien bites the arm off of that really ugly chick's alien counterpart. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?!? Next thing you know shui-mai will start mysteriously disappearing one by one...

-posted by Wes | 12:26 am | Comments (1)
August 3, 2005
What Kind of Novel Should I Write?
Category: Meme

It's been a while since I came across a quiz that didn't use tables, so here we are -- gacked this one from Ebs over on LJ. So, what kind of novel should I write...?

You should be writing Literature

LITERATURE! - You have a story... Oh yes you do! You are
not quite sure what it is, but it burns! It burns to be poured
onto the page! Write! Write I say! And thrill us with your
unique view of the world. YOU are your own inspiration!

What Kind of Novel Should I Write?
brought to you by Quizilla

There we are, then! And in case you're wondering, I'm probably staring at the crude sharpie drawings of pimps and hookers and misspelled gang slogans on a Metrobus at the moment of this posting (ugh) -- I'm testing out the scheduled post feature.

-posted by Wes | 7:38 am | Comments (2)
August 2, 2005
The darkest of the dark.
Category: Serious

Things rarely affect me one way or the other, but sometimes I read things so ridiculous that they cause me to quake with indignation. That's not what this post is about, though -- just saying.

Darth Crayon on the outskirts.

I'm not sure what got me to thinking about this the other night, but somehow I started considering the various causes of my descent into the gothic world -- and it dawned on me that the picture of the ideal goth boy is pretty much the stark opposite of my own physical appearance. The physical attributes that have caused women to constantly and consistently curse and spit upon me over the course of my life -- my lack of height, the shade of my skin, even my shape (you have no idea how many of my crushes -- like, all of them -- have squeezed my arms and then, after making what I took to be a complimentary statement about my form, added, "But I hate men with muscles! I prefer skinny guys.") -- all find their antithesis in the tall, pallid, gaunt form of the gothic Prince Charming. And I was always dark, mind you, but I wonder if the desire to be close to these apparently perfect specimens dwelled had something to do with it. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 4:36 am | Comments (7)
August 1, 2005
The weekend is over.
Category: Miscellany

Hey all -- hope you had a great weekend. Mine, as usual, was restful but unproductive, as I didn't get through even a third of the things that I'd hoped to do. It kinda sucks! I should be writing short stories and plays and Scary-Crayon articles, drawing, and even working on that bleeding novel of mine (or one of the other books I mean to write...), but these weeks leave me so exhausted and drained that all I want to do on the weekends is lay around and sleep. I did, however, get some work done for SC pieces, so it wasn't a total loss, and I watched a lot of GTO ("Great Teacher Onizuka") episodes. Good stuff.

Anyway, I imagine I'll feel less exhausted and have more time to do things when I'm not working this job anymore and therefore don't have to wake up at 4-5 AM and spend upwards of four hours a day riding buses. With any luck, I'll hear back about that interview today or tomorrow and can plot my next move. I'm hoping that this'll be my last full week here, since I'd be starting sometime next week if I got that local job -- but if I don't get it, I think I'll put in my resignation here anyway and get ready to make that move to NYC. I'm starting to rethink it, though -- not because I like NYC any less after my recent visit, but because I'm not sure what I'd do or if I could even find employment at all once I got there. I don't know. And I'm bloody tired -- starting to feel like going to sleep and not waking up is the best course of action after all.

Wait, starting? I always feel that way. Oyasuminasai, minna-san.

-posted by Wes | 10:53 am | Comments (2)