Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
August 17, 2005
You're the man now, dog!
Category: Linkage … Meme

So I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight. I've got a job interview (or something) at 8:00 AM and I've still got to fill out the rest of this application form and iron the suit that I dug up (yes, they want me to wear a bleeding suit and tie) and cut my hair. An interview, you say? Yes! While I'm planning to relocate to NYC in the near future, I'm sending resumes out both there and locally -- and if I can land something good in this area, I can see sticking around for another year or so. I'd still move out, though; probably close to DC if not in the city itself. So anyway, I've got to prepare for that (though somehow walking in there without having slept a wink seems counter-productive in that respect), and I also want to send out a cover letter and resume for another job in NYC tonight -- among some other duties that I'm sure I'm forgetting at the moment but will hopefully come to me at some point tonight. Rah.

Anyway, here's a quiz (!) gacked from pretty little Wendy-go:

You Are R2-D2!

Which Star Wars character are you?

Kinda on point for a quiz that didn't offer answers that I felt were particularly applicable to me. (Except for that part about being a loyal companion who gives a 100% effort when I'm needed most, 'cause no one ever needs me!) Interesting. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 12:51 am | Comments (3)
August 15, 2005
An unproductive weekend, dating sims.
Category: SC Updates

So we're back to the grind with my second to last week at this job. The weekend, as usual, was uneventful and unproductive -- I caught up on much-needed rest, but not a whole lot else. Wasn't a total loss, though -- I got a new food review and a comic up on Scary-Crayon, and I sent out an article (with artwork) to an outside site to (hopefully) bring SC some traffic, so we'll see how that goes. If they don't want the article, though, it'll be perfect for SC! Actually, I'm kinda worried about the direction of SC lately -- I don't feel that my more recent pieces have been all that funny, especially compared to some of the older classics. Maybe I've been too tired and busy to really give it the time necessary to produce hilarity? Or maybe it's because things are so backlogged that by the time I get around to actually writing the articles, I've forgotten all of the funny thoughts I had that inspired me to write them in the first place? I dunno, but hopefully I'll write something soon that can be counted among the better pieces.

I also (unintentionally!) wasted a few hours this weekend playing dating sims. The above screenshot comes from The Garden Society : Kykuit, a short little game about some guy (you) who walks around a garden and talks to people. It's pretty sparse as far as options/elements go -- there are only like four decisions one can make during the game, and it doesn't have any minigames or gift-giving elements, etc. -- but it's a neat way to kill a half hour. I ended up getting with Nadine Lawless on the right. It's kinda funny how it happened, too -- which makes me wonder if perhaps one can learn something from these games. (Take note, TAB.) (more...)

-posted by Wes | 2:43 pm | Comments (2)
August 11, 2005
A plan, a dream, a photo.
Category: Dreams

So now I'm thinking I'll probably end up in Hoboken or Jersey City, since for the same price that I'd pay for a tiny hovel in one of the outer boroughs of NYC I could apparently live in a relatively nice place and spend about the same amount of time commuting into Manhattan! Plus, while I like the city lots and would probably be hanging out there a fair amount, it might be better to actually live in a quieter and cleaner little town. I think sales tax in NJ is lower, too!

Hopefully this will all work out! I submitted my two-week notice today, so as of August 26 I'll be free of employment ties to the area and ready to relocate. And in the way of careers, while I'm very much interested in writing and would hopefully be able to find a gig doing that, a man from US Investigation Services came by the school to do a background check on a former student, and as I escorted him to the appropriate office he told me about what his job entails, etc. -- and it actually sounded pretty gosh darned cool! Almost like being a private eye or a government spy. I will have to look into it. Can you see me doing background checks? I'd like to do a background check on myself to see what kind of dirt turns up. :mrgreen: (more...)

-posted by Wes | 7:10 pm | Comments (10)
August 9, 2005
Coming soon to the NYC area...
Category: Miscellany

So I'm doing a little better now. I've informed the supervisors that I'll be turning in my notice by the end of the week, so the end is in sight. I've started looking for apartments in the NYC area, too -- hoping to make the move in early Sept. (That is very soon!) Any advice from some of you already living there? (Or apartment hunting tips in general?) And what do you think of apartment search services with fees? There are some great listings on, but to get at them one has to pay a $40 membership fee. What do you think?

Also, are there any particularly cost-effective areas that you'd care to recommend? (I'm looking to spend $800 max per month, although, naturally, less is more. 😉 1 bedroom preferred, but a nice studio would be cool too!) Brooklyn and Harlem don't seem to be too bad, and I could always commute from NJ.

Your suggestions/advice will be greatly appreciated!

-posted by Wes | 11:27 am | Comments (25)
August 7, 2005
I guess it'll be okay.
Category: Miscellany

Still, this stuff is pretty damned discouraging.

-posted by Wes | 3:51 pm | Comments (0)