Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
August 2, 2005
The darkest of the dark.
Category: Serious

Things rarely affect me one way or the other, but sometimes I read things so ridiculous that they cause me to quake with indignation. That's not what this post is about, though -- just saying.

Darth Crayon on the outskirts.

I'm not sure what got me to thinking about this the other night, but somehow I started considering the various causes of my descent into the gothic world -- and it dawned on me that the picture of the ideal goth boy is pretty much the stark opposite of my own physical appearance. The physical attributes that have caused women to constantly and consistently curse and spit upon me over the course of my life -- my lack of height, the shade of my skin, even my shape (you have no idea how many of my crushes -- like, all of them -- have squeezed my arms and then, after making what I took to be a complimentary statement about my form, added, "But I hate men with muscles! I prefer skinny guys.") -- all find their antithesis in the tall, pallid, gaunt form of the gothic Prince Charming. And I was always dark, mind you, but I wonder if the desire to be close to these apparently perfect specimens dwelled had something to do with it.

In the halls of the goth clubs, I might have thought, these men fancy themselves tormented, alone -- and yet look how the women flock to them and press their vinyl-clad bodies against their pale, birdlike chests! And they think themselves goths! Whereas I know all too well the feelings that they merely feign, wearing their sad expressions like so much makeup and kohl. Yea, they look the part -- but if depression -- isolation -- alienation -- is the core of their culture, then I belong far more than they, because they and their women will look at me and, simply based upon my appearance, immediately assume that I do not. I will haunt these halls, then, dejected and unloved -- and do it better than they ever could.

I don't think that my thoughts on the subject were so detailed, of course, but some rationale along those lines was probably lurking in the depths of my subconscious mind.

-posted by Wes | 4:36 am | Comments (7)
  • Omni says:

    Why hang around the only girls in American that don't like a hard body? I wouldn't take my B-cup boobs to Hooters to meet men, after all, I'd go to a bookstore or a scifi convention to meet fellow geeks, and similarly the best girls for you would be places where people do physical activities... the gym, tennis courts, places like that. Or... maybe a class in something vigorous like salsa dancing?

  • Wes says:

    Except that I don't much enjoy working out or sports or physical activity (or, heaven forbid, dancing), that is! Even so, I don't think it would help -- if it's not one thing, it'll be one of the others.

  • Omni says:

    How about you get to a beach, then, or a park, or anywhere else you can take off your shirt and put the other men to shame? (And take some new pics for your loyal readers to enjoy, too.)

  • Wes says:

    Ah, but unless I'm exploring unfamiliar territory in search of foreign DVDs, I'm not much for the outdoors either! As far as hangouts go, I really do like and prefer the atmosphere and music of the goth clubs -- I was just considering a possible reason for my initial interest in the subculture.

  • pAUL says:

    Joining a culture of depression, sadness, and isolation sure sounds like a group i wanna hang around with!

    Those 2 skinny white boys look like fags. Darth V is a fucking BADASS. Even holding a giant crayon, Darth is a fucking badass. It makes me happy thinking that Vader is about to impale that crayon through both of them.

    Wes is more goth than goth, pulls it off better than all of them, and can kick all of their asses! 🙂

  • Jazz says:

    There are grrls who like a guy with muscles....u just....have bad luck....well, no. I think that that is the freakish fetish for sum have a man they can dominate...altho, in my opinion, i have seen REALLY SKINNY guys, and they look like birds to me.....Don't worry, Wes! Those bitches have no sense of.....sense!

    You seem more goth than the goth ppl i have, like i said, they judge by apparence.....shallow witches.....

    Plus, ppl who pale their skin on purpose freak the hell out of me....i dont see the attraction! It is very off-putting to me....


    P.S.: There is nothing wrong with being short. Its not your fault. Blame your parents. COMPLETLEY...

  • Becky says:

    Seems like a lot of women like men with some type of mystery. I, myself, do not. I think just about anyone who's single starts to analyze their potential "faults" with the opposite sex, when in reality, everyone but the "10s" seem to have a struggle. I don't know any women who prefer a stick man to a muscled man. Weird. Just plain weird.

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