Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
August 7, 2005
This realization depresses me further.
Category: Miscellany

Am I really almost 24? Amazing. And what have I accomplished? Nothing.

-posted by Wes | 3:53 am | Comments (7)
  • Becky says:

    Dude, most people haven't accomplished much by the time they're 40. You've got lots of time. I feel like an old lady compared to 23:)

  • NJWT says:

    Yeah, jeez. What have the rest of us accomplished.?... except for Caren.

  • Wes says:

    I think it has to do with the fact that most of the folks I went to school with are now in Harvard Law, Yale Med, etc., and are winning prestigious academic awards worth thousands of dallars (money it took me a year in Hell to earn!) while I've been working in bookstores and community colleges and receiving rejection after rejection with respect to the things I really want to be doing -- and even some that I don't! And part of it's got to do with comparisons to a lot of the writers and artists that I admire, who created their masterworks in their early 20s and whatnot. So yeah.

  • Greg says:

    Consider it the sign you need to get up and move to New York.


  • heg says:

    Be patient Wes, don't go running off, and join the Foreign Legion, You are very gifted, and have a lot to offer to this world. There is no limit to what you could accomplish, If you were to apply yourself, you would make a wonderful teacher. I see a bright future ahead for you, my friend.

  • Becky says:

    One other thing to point out is that I'm sure you could go on to those Ivy League grad schools, but you've said to me that you don't want to yet since you're not sure of what you want to do. I don't consider that a failure, but a smarter choice to not follow some pre-ordained path that many of those have tred out of some type of familial expectation or obligation.

  • Parizad says:

    Wes, I always feel the same way right before my birthday. You're not alone. There are billions of us that are driven, but at the end of the day (or year as the case may be) feel as if we have accomplished nothing.

    Keep your chin up, ya slacker! (j/k!!)

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