Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
May 3, 2005
Pig Pig Gets A Job!
Category: Miscellany

And another fairly uneventful day of work comes to a close. Here are the highlights!

Today, as practice for her ESOL speaking class, the perfect-bodied foreign girl read Pig Pig Gets A Job to the office. It made me want to curl up in bedcovers! Sexy. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 3:07 pm | Comments (1)
May 2, 2005
w00t! Another work post!
Category: Miscellany

Hello, and welcome to another installment of WES @ WORK!!! Here's what's up today:

This morning the bus ride to the college took a little longer than usual because a bunch of people got on the wrong bus -- so many that I thought that maybe I'd boarded the wrong bus, even though the display on the side of the bus had clearly indicated that this was, indeed, the correct bus. Like I could see if one person had gotten on the wrong bus -- maybe someone who was riding for the first time and wasn't aware that there are two 21 routes (the 21 regular and the 21 express) -- but there were like eight or ten people who were mistaken this morning! Actually, I think they were being asses and just didn't want to wait for the regular 21, since they figured that the 21X driver would be a nice guy and go ahead and take them to their destinations anyway, which he did. Bastards! I would've dropped them in the middle of nowhere. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 1:46 pm | Comments (2)
May 1, 2005
Scary-Crayon does Red Sonja!
Category: SC Updates

The she-devil with a sword!

I probably would never have known about this if I hadn't worked the comic shop yesterday, but Red Sonja's got a new series on the way from Dynamite Entertainment. Granted, I know nothing about the old Marvel series and can barely remember the 1985 film (though it seems like I've seen it at least three times on television), but a hot redhead in a steel bikini isn't something easily refused -- especially when her comic is only 25 cents! That said, here's the gushing (eeew...) Scary-Crayon review of Red Sonja #0... quite possibly one of the sexiest comics ever. :mrgreen:

And Mickey, if you're reading, there's a special something I included in that article just for you. I know how much you love kinky footwear! 😉

-posted by Wes | 9:17 pm | Comments (3)
That's not funny...
Category: Miscellany

Mom: (laughing) Hey! You wanna hear something funny?
Me: No.
Mom: Come on, it's funny!
Me: No it's not.
Mom: Yes it is!
Me: Fine, tell me something funny.
Mom: Okay. My niece and her husband went off to a hotel this weekend.
Me: Yes.
Mom: And he had a heart attack! (laughs)
Me: ...
Mom: You get it?
Me: That's not funny.

-posted by Wes | 5:26 pm | Comments (2)
Seriously, I don't look like Ford Prefect.
Category: Miscellany

Mos DefWesMos Def again

As expected given the release of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, today a couple of customers came into the comic shop and noted my apparent resemblance to Ford Prefect, played by Mos Def. This was followed by one of the store employees chuckling in agreement and adding, "Yeah, I wasn't going to say anything." SO. To show that I really don't look all that much like Mos Def, I've provided the handy-dandy comparison pics above. On the left and right, we have Mos Def; in the center, we have yours truly. See? I don't bloody look like Mos Def.

Wes in a hat.

Also, per Becky's post the other day, here's my hat picture. Anyone who recognizes the symbol on my cap gets bonus points. Here's a hint: I want to eat your brains. And finally...


THAT'S RIGHT! As an added bonus for those of you with the patience to download a 7.5 MB video file, here's a special treat -- Wes does standup comedy! After taking the above pics using the timer function, I started messing around with the MPEG capture on my digicam tonight and decided to record myself telling a joke. I went through a few takes first, and I'd been drinking to start, so you can imagine I was pretty silly by this point! And for those of you who've never met me in person and have only seen stills, not you get to see me moving around and talking and stuff. Anyway, enjoy! :mrgreen:

-posted by Wes | 2:11 am | Comments (9)