Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
May 2, 2005
w00t! Another work post!
Category: Miscellany

Hello, and welcome to another installment of WES @ WORK!!! Here's what's up today:

This morning the bus ride to the college took a little longer than usual because a bunch of people got on the wrong bus -- so many that I thought that maybe I'd boarded the wrong bus, even though the display on the side of the bus had clearly indicated that this was, indeed, the correct bus. Like I could see if one person had gotten on the wrong bus -- maybe someone who was riding for the first time and wasn't aware that there are two 21 routes (the 21 regular and the 21 express) -- but there were like eight or ten people who were mistaken this morning! Actually, I think they were being asses and just didn't want to wait for the regular 21, since they figured that the 21X driver would be a nice guy and go ahead and take them to their destinations anyway, which he did. Bastards! I would've dropped them in the middle of nowhere.

I read some weird things in the paper this morning. For instance, in Thailand, they actually have a Miss IMF pageant -- IMF meaning "I aM Fat"! (Guess none of those women will be scoring with TAB anytime soon.) But wait, there's more! The contest was held at a zoo's elephant grounds and contestants were apparently judged on how well they exhibited the characteristics of an elephant "in terms of grace, elegance, and size." Well! I know it's important to feel good about oneself and not be embarrassed about one's size, but this is friggin' ridiculous. I don't want to be compared to an elephant!

And what the hell is Tom Cruise doing with Katie Holmes? That's sick! Tom, Tom, Tom. You had Nicole Kidman. You had Penelope Cruz. Now you have... Katie Holmes? I mean, she's cute, but she's just a girl! You, Tom, need women. Or men. :mrgreen:

But speaking of girls, this co-worker with the accent continues to be hella hot. And that's all I've got to say for this entry! Ja ne, minna-san.

WAIT! Today's lunch: Ketchup, wasabi mayonnaise, and American cheese on wheat bread. Okay, now I'm really done. Bye. 😉

-posted by Wes | 1:46 pm | Comments (2)
  • Heg says:

    It must be the dreaded sex rays from planet Porno that is dulling people's minds, and causing all the confusion. Nothing can make you more stupid than sex on the brain. You are lucky you did not get caught up in a orgy on the bus.

  • Parizad says:

    Sex on the Brain... Sounds like a delicious drink! "I'll have Sex on the Brain, please, with an extra splash of vodka."

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