Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
May 1, 2005
Seriously, I don't look like Ford Prefect.
Category: Miscellany

Mos DefWesMos Def again

As expected given the release of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, today a couple of customers came into the comic shop and noted my apparent resemblance to Ford Prefect, played by Mos Def. This was followed by one of the store employees chuckling in agreement and adding, "Yeah, I wasn't going to say anything." SO. To show that I really don't look all that much like Mos Def, I've provided the handy-dandy comparison pics above. On the left and right, we have Mos Def; in the center, we have yours truly. See? I don't bloody look like Mos Def.

Wes in a hat.

Also, per Becky's post the other day, here's my hat picture. Anyone who recognizes the symbol on my cap gets bonus points. Here's a hint: I want to eat your brains. And finally...


THAT'S RIGHT! As an added bonus for those of you with the patience to download a 7.5 MB video file, here's a special treat -- Wes does standup comedy! After taking the above pics using the timer function, I started messing around with the MPEG capture on my digicam tonight and decided to record myself telling a joke. I went through a few takes first, and I'd been drinking to start, so you can imagine I was pretty silly by this point! And for those of you who've never met me in person and have only seen stills, not you get to see me moving around and talking and stuff. Anyway, enjoy! :mrgreen:

-posted by Wes | 2:11 am | Comments (9)
  • Pam says:

    Hey.. thanks for the supportive and cheery post in response to my blog. I know I have some friends (not plenty -- but at least some people who do care), I was more commenting on the overall landscape of my existence. Needless to say, we all need to getting deeply dramatic sometimes. I'd like to leave a link from my blog to yours, but am unsure how... I'm going to see if I can figure it out, or Brad can help me this weekend when he comes down to the art show. BTW you coming???

    Anywho... I'm not sure if you really look like Mos Def (what kind of name is that??) other than the young black man with short hair coincidence. Actually in both pictures posted above, I think you are better looking.. so there!

    Is the cap some sort of Zombie, "night of the living dead" reference? That's the only thing I can relate to wanting to eat brains. 🙂

  • Matt says:

    Dude, that cap is so the symbol of the symbiote that latched itself onto Spiderman for a while. Later it helped Eddie Brock become Venom.

    Damn, I really am a nerd. 🙁

  • Jesus says:

    What a stupid name, Mos Def. More like Mos Dum.

  • Becky says:

    That is a cool hat., though I haven't worn a ski cap in a long time. Maybe soon, though. Actually, I do think you look like him, but not in a bad sense.

  • Heg says:

    Bravo Wes ! I was impressed. You have a good voice, now all I need to do is dig you up a good joke.

  • T.A.B. says:

    I saw the hat and thought "Venom" before I even read the clue. I am nerd squared.

    I couldn't download the joke. I'm sure it was funny, though.

  • Heg says:

    It is a little slow in loading, but it was worth the wait.

  • Wes says:

    Indeed! TAB, try right-clicking on the link and doing a "Save As" deal when you get home. I'm pretty sure I got the filename/location right...

  • I liked the video joke; maybe it'd be cool to do one of your random lunches as a video clip?

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