Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
August 12, 2004
Brief notes before bed.
Category: Miscellany

I'm still awake. From yesterday. Soon I will sleep.

But first:

Friday's horrific Scary-Crayon film review is coming along nicely. I've still got nearly 300 screencaps to wade through (ugh), but in the process of taking all those shots I penned about half of the summary, so that's good. Also, the new background is ready. It'll go up tomorrow as well. Hurrah!

This has been a pretty slow week for e-mails. And hey, people I owe e-mails, I haven't forgotten about you. Just so you know. Ok? (more...)

-posted by Wes | 7:19 am | Comments (0)
August 11, 2004
Honey flash! Updates! And aminals on the way!
Category: SC Updates

So I've been watching more of Cutey Honey, which I've discovered is actually the New Cutey Honey. It says it right on there, but I apparently wasn't looking very closely and wouldn't have noticed if there hadn't been a few flashbacks containing stuff I haven't seen. But as I was watching, I was thinking, "Man, this animation is incredible for a 1970s cartoon!" Now it makes a little more sense, but still, those flashbacks are pretty well animated too. Or maybe they updated the flashbacks? I dunno. Either way, I'm interested in checking out the original Cutey Honey episodes (not sure where I'd get any, but I'll look into it), since I'm enjoying this new series so far. It's fun action with a bit o' chesecake. I like cheesecake. Three episodes in, I highly recommend it. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 3:00 am | Comments (0)
August 9, 2004
Scary-Crayon Updated!
Category: SC Updates

And it's about damned time, too. So today (or whenever), we cordially invite you to take a look at the Scary-Crayon review of Red Lobster's Hidden Treasure Pack! Hope you have as much fun reading this article as I did writing it. I think it turned out pretty well, too! For some reason, these late-night articles always strike me as much more entertaining than the ones I write during daylight hours. But maybe that's just me. 🙂

Who knows when I'll have the next piece up, but I'm hoping to have a spooky film review ready (not exactly sure which one it'll be yet, but I've narrowed it down to two or possibly four choices...) for the upcoming Friday the 13th. No promises, though.

Anyway, ja!

-posted by Wes | 4:44 am | Comments (0)
August 8, 2004
SC updates on the way, new anime DVDs.
Category: SC Updates

No, I don't have the latest Scary-Crayon piece for you yet -- I was planning to write it tonight (like, right about now), but I'd thought that I was closing tomorrow instead of working from 11-6, which is apparently what I'm scheduled for. Sorry 'bout that. For Monday, then. I promise.

Maybe. :/ (more...)

-posted by Wes | 3:17 am | Comments (0)
August 7, 2004
My creative teeth and ambitions are bared...
Category: Miscellany

Just finished penning the first draft (i.e., the hard, handwritten copy) of a new short story. I don't think it's all that great, but hell, it's done, and it's the first handwritten story I've finished in a while, so hopefully it'll be the start of me finishing even more in the weeks to come. I'm always having ideas for new stories -- so many that I don't even remember most of them, being left with only that feeling that I've forgotten something great and cursing myself for not writing it down, but even without these I've still got way more story ideas than I have time to actually write -- so the hardest part will be figuring out which story I should work on next. And I've got a bunch of older, unfinished stories too... so much to do. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 3:30 am | Comments (0)